Marble Labyrinth

Posted by Forbic on Oct. 4, 2006, 12:03 a.m.

I took five screenshots of the game, and while doing this, I noticed a very bad glitch in the music, which is pretty easy to fix, I just hadn't noticed it before. Anyways, the game's title is Marble Labyrinth, and it features a handful of enemies as well as puzzles in the rooms. You play as a Green Marble, which DS mentioned in the previous blog. You move along (With a lot better controls now! ^_^) a 32x32 grid, and try to dodge your enemies, or attack them with the Special power-up (Which currently plays the Star Power theme from Mario… >_>). The enemies include:

Red Marble: A marble with a simple left and right path that will bounce back and forth inbetween walls.

Blue Marble: A marble with a simple up and down path that will also bounce back and forth inbetween walls.

Orange Marble: A poisonous marble shot out from a cannon at random times. It can be used to destroy purple walls.

Purple Marble: A large marble (The main boss) that will jump to a random spot after hitting it with the special ability.

Ninja Marble: A marble that is VERY annoying that moves diagnolly.

Fire Marble: Same as the Ninja Marble, but will not be destroyed in lava pits.

Large Fire Marble: The fire world's boss. Same as the normal bosses, but leaves short trails of fire, and will constantly launch fireballs at you (Killing you or removing your powerup).

That's all for now, but there will be a water, lightning, and earth marble too along with their bosses.

There is the three starter worlds, and after that, the Fire world, Lightning World, Water World, and Earth World. Each with different hazards and enemies. There will be a "World" theme which I will probably just get some cool MIDIs… Anyways, here are the five screens!

Title Menu (Might redo it… I rushed and did it in like a minute)

First Level

Running at the boss will special

Watch where you step! (These are the poison ones!)

A First glance at the Fire Boss room

Soo… This is mine and DS' game that will hopefully be released shortly if homework doesn't get in the way too much. Hope you enjoyed reading this (You musta been pretty bored)!


Forbic 18 years, 4 months ago

That sounds cool! I never was good at all with 3D stuff in GameMaker…

DARKSPARK3893 18 years, 4 months ago

nice new walls forbi ~_^

Forbic 18 years, 4 months ago

Thanks! :D

Nighthawk 18 years, 4 months ago

Looks good, I'll play it when it's finished. :)