Fred joins the COG

Posted by FredFredrickson on Nov. 21, 2006, 1:51 p.m.

Yeah, it's been a while since my last blog… I've been pretty busy with a lot of different things, and I haven't been at my apartment as much during the last couple of weekends! I am back now though, with no more huge trips are on the horizon, so I'll fill you in on what I've been up to since my last installment of blog.

As some of you might know, I caved in a week before the Wii / PS3 launch, and picked up an Xbox 360. Before you all take up arms, do not despair; I will be grabbing a Wii (puns!) sometime in the future, probably next year.

With that said, the 360 has been a lot of fun so far, and Gears of War is utterly amazing! For anyone who hasn't played this game yet, go do it. Head over to a friend's house, rent it, do whatever you have to do - the game is that great. The single player game is admittedly short, but coupled with the multiplayer, makes for a game that won't get old for a long, long time. I am really having fun with it, and I am positively blown away by the graphics, sound, and gameplay… a triple whammy of fun that doesn't come along very often in this industry.

Aside from that, I've been playing around with Perfect Dark Zero, Burnout Revenge (came with the system), and a handful of Xbox Live Arcade games. Hopefully Small Arms (another XBL Arcade game) turns out well this wednesday - it looks like a combination of Smash Bros. and Soldat. I also got the system to stream all my MP3's and video files from my computer, another really great feature of the box. It'll be interesting to see what kind of new stuff comes out in the coming months now that the 360 isn't the only player on the field.

Needless to say, I am liking the 360, and I think Wii60 will be the way to go for this generation of consoles. But I digress, I could go on and on… I haven't had too much time for games this last weekend, because I just got back from Los Angeles! My girlfriend had another business trip, and I got to tag along again. We didn't really get to do an awful lot, since most of our time was spent working at her event an traveling, but we got to look at lots of stuff including the Getty Museum, a very amazing place. I would have liked to see more of the collection of art, but the time I spent there was fun and interesting - they have a lot of great artwork, and a nice collection of Iconic art from the 500-1000 era on display right now. If anyone is in the area and has some time to kill, I highly recommend visiting.

I've also begun work on a set of three paintings for a friend… I believe I mentioned this before, but now I have officially started working on them. I've got all the supplies, and now just need o bear down and get the things done. I am really liking how they are turning out though - perhaps when I am finished I'll post some pictures here!

Of course, I have not forgotten about Aces High. I have gotten some more work done with the game, adding some special effects here and there, refining some of the way things work, etc. I'm not sure if the game will be finished before the end of the year, but I will be continuing work on it when I have time in between my other projects and I hope to get it out as soon as possible!

Anyway, another long period in between my blogs, and another long blog. I'll stop it here though… as I am at work while I am writing this, and we have to put a lot of extra work in this week so we can take off an extra day for Thanksgiving. You have your homework though - try Gears of War! You'll enjoy it!

And if you already have it, let me know, maybe we can play online sometime! Thanks for reading!


FredFredrickson 18 years, 3 months ago

Nothing personal Chiken, I had you blocked because I had to get some work done one of those days where you were messaging me every 5 seconds, and I couldn't talk… then I just forgot to unblock you. [:D]

poultry 18 years, 3 months ago

You should have just told me to stfu XD

poultry 18 years, 3 months ago

…Wait, danget, that wouldn't work [=D]

melee-master 18 years, 3 months ago

Heh, I agree with going for Wii60.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 3 months ago

Gears of War is utterly amazing! For anyone who hasn't played this game yet, go do it. Head over to a friend's house, rent it, do whatever you have to do - the game is that great. The single player game is admittedly short, but coupled with the multiplayer, makes for a game that won't get old for a long, long time. I am really having fun with it, and I am positively blown away by the graphics, sound, and gameplay… a triple whammy of fun that doesn't come along very often in this industry.
When I was playing the part where you lead the giant outside by making him smash through the doors, then you use the fist on him… I admit looking back on it, it isn't the most unique experience… but it felt new and exciting. It really is an amazing game.

BenRK 18 years, 3 months ago

Well, now I know I need to get both a Wii and a 360 if I want to keep a lable as a FredFredrickson Fanboy. But seriously, I was considering it long before this blog. I play Halo 2 nearly every day, and now that I'm used to the controls of it and have played Halo2 on a 360 (lags terribly), I think I might get one, but WELL after I get a Wii, which will be well after January, wich will be well after I get a job, which will be after (well or not) I turn 16, which is in a little less than 2 weeks.

And what about your other games? My interest is not with Aces High. It's more towards HT3D2 and Aster Blaster.

FredFredrickson 18 years, 3 months ago

After aces high I'm sure I'll be working on… something. Hehe. Most likely I'll be helping Ds (from EO) with his game, Revelation, and working on a couple small projects before my next bigger game. We'll cross those bridges as I come to them though, as I have my hands plenty full with all this other stuff (painting, work, etc).

player 1 18 years, 3 months ago

PS3 first than 360,,etc

u dont know -.-

Killzone 2 is the only cool looking game for me on the PS3.

BenRK 18 years, 3 months ago

There are only 1-2 good games for the PS3. And some of the games for the PS3 look like they should be on the first PS.