Aces High - Another Demo Soon

Posted by FredFredrickson on Dec. 1, 2006, 11:11 a.m.

Man do I love Fridays. Saturdays are fun, and Thursdays are kinda sweet, but Friday… there is no other day of the week that offers as much promise and excitement. Friday tells you not to look back at the work you did that week, and promises that you've got two days of vacation ahead. I love it. Anyway, enough of that. the less said about my continuing lust for Friday, the better.

I've worked a bit on Aces High over the last couple of days, and I think I might just have the game ready for one more demo this weekend. I am particularly excited about this because <a href="">Reflect</a> functionality has been added, works great, and I am excited to see how people like it. I originally wanted to hold back on this release until the final, but I think bug testing the multiplayer (and the added Reflect functionality) on a large scale via one more demo might be a better idea. I've added some more special effects, some fixes, host commands, power-ups, and a few other things since the lest demo, and I have decided to cut out the bomb-able targets for now, possibly to be added in later on. I'll keep you guys updated on this, and will post a link in my blog when I have released the next demo on the GMC (since timed releases on 64D are virtually impossible to accomplish).

Now that I think about it, looking at everything else I have to do this weekend kinda makes me wonder why I am considering it a two day vacation from work. I'll be putting some demo touches into Aces High and hopefully releasing a new demo, working on some concepts for a logo, finishing one of the three paintings I have to do, and converting some articles over to HTML for a website I'm working on. I think I'll be able to knock a lot of this stuff out early Saturday though, so it probably won't seem like too much to do once I get down to it. I'd also like to spend some time with my girlfriend, who has been gone all week on yet another business trip, but we'll see.

Of course, I'll be playing games too, when I can… a friend and I just finished Act 1 of Gears of War on Insane difficulty, and we're anxious to continue plowing through the Locust this weekend. Good stuff!

Anyway, I am at work, so I'd best be going. Hope everyone has a good weekend, and thanks for reading!


LoserHands 18 years, 2 months ago

My bro beat gears of war a couple weeks ago…

the goriest game I've ever played! And I look forward to your game, I know its gonna be great since you made it!

FredFredrickson 18 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, I beat GoW a week or two ago, but playing through it again on Hardcore and now Insane has been a blast. [:D]

Thanks for the compliments!

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 2 months ago

I didn't want to tell you this, but that baby on the way? That's mine… me and Friday's love child. Don't be upset. I know you love her, but she was mine first.

Oh Friday… I've loved you since I was in preschool.

Arcalyth 18 years, 2 months ago

If you have a lap-mod timed releases become more possible. *cough*

FredFredrickson 18 years, 2 months ago

Well, Friday, I too have another lover. I have been seeing Thursday for quite some time now. Not only does she do all of the things you do, but she also does my laundry <i>and</i> makes me food. Drama!

To Arcalyth - It'd prolly be nice to have a lapmod at work for me, but I don't know if I can afford one. [:D]

Nighthawk 18 years, 2 months ago

Can't wait to see it, it sounds great!

abacus 18 years, 2 months ago

Aces is too good.

Plus, in Aces, it looks like your plane is too low. Make the z bigger. The houses are too big, or something. it just looks like you're flying really low.

Add gun jamming

Make it so you don't have to be the red baron. Make it so you can play as either allies or germans.

Grand-High Gamer 18 years, 2 months ago

I got the impression that it was just an undiscript crop-duster type biplane.

FredFredrickson 18 years, 2 months ago

Well, since the game doesn't use entirely realistic graphics, I figured having the planes flying so low over the ground might look alright, and I also wanted to show off the detail of the buildings. Proportion and all that is probably a little off, but I think it works.

Also, the engine cannot handle too much more terrain without seriously affecting the speed of the game, so I think it will probably stay the way it is. I appreciate the suggestions though. [:)]

FredFredrickson 18 years, 2 months ago

And yeah, GHG is right, it's not really supposed to be the Red Baron, just kind of your standard biplane (that happens to be red).