HT3D2? Shopping? Egads!

Posted by FredFredrickson on Dec. 11, 2006, 4:45 p.m.

Well, I am happy to report that I am done with my Christmas shopping. Well, almost done, anyway. I've still got one last thing to get for my girlfriend before I am finished… and possibly a gift for her family… but other than that, I am done, and it feels good. I always find myself dreading the holidays simply because I have such a hard time finding the right gift for people.

I can't say that I am very helpful to others in that respect either though. Questions about what I want for Christmas are usually met with a very dubious "I don't know." It's usually true though, as I am not one to sit around and think about things that I would really like to have. If it's something that I want, and it's within my budget, I usually just get it for myself. If it's something that I wouldn't consider because it's unfordable or a waste of money, I can never convince myself to splurge and get it, so I just put that stuff out of my mind. I guess I'm just kind of frugal like that!

Needless to say though, once the whole gift-buying part is over, it's all food, fun, and games for everyone involved.

In more GM related news, I recently began playing around with some models in my spare time… what models are these, you may ask? None other than Hover Tank 3D models! I don't have much that I want to show off yet, but I do have a couple images for you. Check 'em out, in their small, nondescript, 400x300 glory.

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<img src="">

HT3D2 will be completely redesigned from the demo that many of you played some months ago… and will be taking on a more realistic look. I plan on having the game contain much more elaborate locales than last time, including a remade Polychron, a lost civilization-ish area, and some others. I'll update everything with more info as I decide though. If you'd like to check out the forum topic at the MCG / Reflect forums, visit it <a href="">here</a>.

In the meantime though, Aces High needs finishing, so don't expect too much more about this in the near future. Anyway, enjoy the small glimpse of what's to come, and I hope everyone gets done with their Christmas shopping soon and safely! Thanks for reading!


FredFredrickson 18 years, 2 months ago

Hey now, a lot of time and effort went into that "lazy virtual reality" style. Look at it this way: If it were a piece of cake to pull off, more games would have done it by now. [:P]

Requiem 18 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, that's true. Most games usually just go for the 'piece of crap' style.

Apocalypso 18 years, 2 months ago

He POLISHES everything he makes. and that's the thing that most developers dont' know or don't care about. If they really wanted to get recognition like FF has, they should check the net for tutorials, examples and spend more time making and polishing their creations. It's that simple, only that lazyness is a big fat fella

'Nuff said(C3-117's spiked [:P])

abacus 18 years, 2 months ago

sick pillar models.

and nice rough'n'tumble tank look, too. Kudos to the large textures that take forever to load!

asdf 18 years, 2 months ago

cool I like ur texture