Fred’s MMO

Posted by FredFredrickson on May 10, 2007, 12:06 a.m.

Before you even start reading, let me say this: I am not actually making an MMO… But my topic title is not a sham, and if you will read on, I shall prove that to you! Hehe.

So long time no blog, eh? Sorry folks, I have been busy… but soon I’ll be getting a new demo out, and I will need some beta testers. So stay tuned. Now, onto my blog!

Anyway, I think it’s funny, how much MMO games have really changed the way people think about games. Myself specifically. As a former WoW explorer, and a current Guild Wars adventurer, I often look around myself at things in the real world and think to myself, “man, that would make a great MMORPG game!â€? I ask, is this a common thing to think among game developers?

Case in point – In a recent fit of nostalgia (and I happened to have a Best Buy gift card burning a hole in my pocket), I picked up season 2 of Disney’s Ducktales.

Before I continue, I’d like to say that I think this show is one of the best cartoons for TV that Disney ever produced. It had action, adventure, and some silly (but still funny) humor that was very reminiscent of the old Uncle Scrooge / Donald Duck Carl Barks comic books I used to read when I was a kid. It was colorful, well animated, and had some very memorable music. But enough of my praise, back to the topic at hand.

While watching the show’s pilot episode (2+ hours, 5 episodes long!), where most of the main characters and locations are introduced, I couldn’t help but think to myself again “man, that would make a great MMORPG game!â€? Yes, I envision a persistent game world filled with ducks, beagles, money bins, mansions, hideouts, crazy inventions, etc. I see a Junior Woodchuck quest / merit badge system. An explorable Duckburg. Maybe some big treasure hunting story. The possibilities would truly be endless!

To those of you who know of (and appreciate) the show, this would probably be an amazing experience. To everyone else, it probably sounds insane!

As was mentioned above however, it is not to be. Aside from the fact that a project like this would be of an impossible magnitude for a single person to undertake, it would also be a waste of time to work so hard on a project that you could have no possibility of selling, and probably even less of a possibility of pitching to the owner of the intellectual property contained within.

But a man can dream, can’t he? [:D]


Xxypher 17 years, 9 months ago

I want to BETA TEST!

I remember duck tales, old good show.

Kaz 17 years, 9 months ago

that's why I'm not working on it.
Reading is good.

KaBob799 17 years, 9 months ago

That was a good show, unluckily I stopped getting disney back while I was watching it years ago.

elmernite 17 years, 9 months ago

ha ha.

You go ahead and make it. jk.


Panithadrum 17 years, 9 months ago

Oh my god…ducktales… :D I had 2 or 3 episodes when I was a child hehehe.

Jaythediv 17 years, 9 months ago

Ducktales had the best theme-tune ever! (2nd only to fireman sam, but i think that was UK only) They used to get really in to singing theme tunes back in the day.

That is a really great idea for a game though, if only to feed nostalgia.

basilamer 17 years, 9 months ago

Make it and I will love you.

Alpha Man 17 years, 9 months ago

Beta testers are funny because they have no ears.

Eh I'm not too much into disney… Well I dunno actually, never sat down and watched something by them.

melee-master 17 years, 9 months ago

Don't make Chikena a beta tester. Be begs too much, haha.

NoodleNog 17 years, 9 months ago

Sounds as if it would be interesting, however I fail to imagine what it would be like; I have never seen any of the shows.

0_0 @ Your projects.