Evolites cagematch, 3D online dogfights

Posted by FredFredrickson on Oct. 1, 2006, 11:22 p.m.

For those of you who enjoy all the drama of soap operas, but lack the time or motivation to actually watch one, head on over tot he <a href=http://forums.gamemaker.nl/index.php?showtopic=245754>cagematch at the GMC</a>. It's love, tears, lies, and scandal, all rolled up in one easy-to-read, yet infinitely enjoyable topic. Oh, and if you liked Evolites, vote for it. Sure, it won't net you any strange looking badges here on 64 Digits, but you won't find a better life simulator in the creations forum… and you won't find any other games that let you upload and download other people's creations either!

In other news, I've got a new demo of the 3D dogfighting game up, along with a few screens:

<img src="http://www.martincrownover.com/files/flyin1.jpg">

<img src="http://www.martincrownover.com/files/flyin2.jpg">

<img src="http://www.martincrownover.com/files/flyin3.jpg">

I've hammered out a lot of the bugs that made the last demo a bit annoying (sound bugs, disconnect bugs, etc), added some new graphical content, and I've upped the maximum amount of players to 6. If anyone is able to test it out with that many people, I'd really like to know how well it ran under those conditions… there is quite a bit more optimizing to do.

You'll find the new demo <a href=http://forums.gamemaker.nl/index.php?showtopic=242490>here, at the GMC topic</a>. Don't be afraid to post your specs and performance again!

Anyway, Counter-Strike: Source is calling me… I need to kill my share of hackers this weekend. Thanks for reading - until next time!


FredFredrickson 18 years, 4 months ago

Well, I don't really agree Chiken. I don't find a progress report on a game all that boring, and I think that since a lot of people enjoyed the last demo, the new itteration was worthy of a new blog.

poultry 18 years, 4 months ago

Here is a review on the dogfights game:

Loader: Loaded pretty fast, Good work there.

Second loader: The text was ugly, Pixely, But it looked great.

When I went to host a server, It look a long time to start, Might want to work on that some.

Might want to tell me how to accelerate, As I can't seem to figure that out.

Right now, Work on the hud, It seems un-Fred like, Make it blend in FTW.

…And better controls might help [:P]

@Fred again - A progress report is good, But you need something else in your blogs! Why don't we debate this over MSN instead of 64D? XD

twisterghost 18 years, 4 months ago

Guys, this really is uneeded.

@ChIkEn: Don't like the blog? Leave it alone. Go to some other blog or work on a game-I don't care what you do, just leave it alone if you don't like it.

@FredFredrickson: By now, you should know that there really is no point in trying to fight ChIkEn. He is just doing this to get to you. Next time, just leave his comment there for everyone to see. It will save you a lot of time and humiliation.

twisterghost 18 years, 4 months ago

P.S. Nice game

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 4 months ago

I really liked the game, more manuevers (sp) and some AI would make the game awesome :0

But it seems like your flying too close to the ground, raise it up a tad if possible

poultry 18 years, 4 months ago

@TG - You got me XD

Also, I agree with hobo, To close down! And you look like your going really slow :P

FredFredrickson 18 years, 4 months ago

Heh, can do TG… but I doubt I'll ever find myself humiliated by Chiken. [:P]

poultry 18 years, 4 months ago

No, Really, Controls, I don't get them [:P]

FredFredrickson 18 years, 4 months ago

What don't you get?

firestormx 18 years, 4 months ago

No, Really, Controls, I don't get them

Forward, backflip thingy, left, right, and shoot.

Also, this blog is much better than most blogs posted. (Dunno if you guys had settled on that yet, 'cause I eventually just stopped reading the comments)

Also again, that game is awesome. =D

The lag was pretty bad though - I kept running into frozen planes. I dunno if there's anything you can do about that though. Other than that, I found it oddly addicting. With more powerups, it'd be incredibly amazing.

If you want to make an AWESOME single player (maybe multiplayer too), you should make it so you can walk around on the ground, as a pilot. You can go into the farms, and hire the farmers to man AA guns you set up. And you can go around to different air strips and take different planes. And you can go on straffing and bombing runs of airstrips, and shoot down little pilots trying to get to their planes. And when the enemy gets farmers to man their AA guns, you can go bomb their farms, and set their livestock ablaze. =D

Or not, I dunno. It's awesome so far though. I can't wait for bots that don't lag. =D