Lately i've been somewhat fascinated by these optical illusions. So yes I thought I would post a few here and see what people thought of them.
1) Below you see an old man and woman. But what else do you see there? Believe it or not there are at least 5 different people in that picture along with various other images.2) The next one is too big for this blog so i'll link to it. It's pretty straight forward just watch the cogs rotate even though there not!Click Here3) If you have epilepsy whatever you do don't look below!! Anyway this scary illusion of a spider looks like it's coming towards you every now and then. Actually it isn't the color change just makes it look as if that's what's happening.So what do you think? Weird huh? Hope this blog didn't freak you out too much :)
cool. I like the second one.
Thats because it is coming towards you, they just use an inverted frame (flash) to cover it reverting.
One of the spider's pics moves.
Are you sure it does?
Yes. Look at the spider's leg that is closest to the top left corner. It moves left and right.
Yeah, it moves. I tried to recreate the effect in paint, and it didn't work.
Spider makes me tired…
So I'm going to not post in this thread at all! (apart from this post!)By repeatedly inverting the colors, I mean.
Are you sure that theres not just a white leg and a black leg at different positions.
I examined the frames, it grows and then uses one inverted frame to distract the brain from it suddenly looping back to original size.