Wii Wifi

Posted by GMWIZ on July 24, 2007, 4:56 a.m.

So i heard at E3 that theres like 8 new games coming out for the wii

with wifi connection u to 32 players.But when I heard that I was confused… "a company/system that has barley scratched the surface of online is going to get games with 32 players at once ???

ex.Medal of Honor Heros2

I mean i knew it had the power but Only for 16 or so BUT 32 omg the xbox didn't even get that much. THEN THERES MARIO KART WII …

Regis told us about online for it but he said he will let us fiqure out the number of players ….

IM thinking 64 or more

the basic would be 16 because Mario Kart DD allowed for 16 player lan but it has to be more

ok…..heres the deal

imagine………………your driving a kart 64 players are playing

you get hit by a shell you slip on 8 bannanas at once a blue shell knocks you out some one hits you with a star OWWWWWWWWWWW this isn't very fun

stop imagining your giving me a head ache!!!

but thats not the point 64 players that will make the game so awesome!!!

IT will be action packt to the rim plus theres online battle

64 players!!! WHOOO

thats not confirmed…

OKAY heres the questions

1. do you think that both the titles with turn out good online

2.Do you think it will be laggy on standard broadband

3.Do you think it will be laggy on upper broadband

4.Do you think it will be laggy on Ti/lan

5.Do you think it will be laggy on road runner 156.6 mbs

6.Do you think it will be laggy on dial up

7.make up some cool ideas for the games for wifi


Alert Games 17 years, 6 months ago

This is what will happen:

*16 players joined mario kart race*

2 quit for whatever reason right away

3 are quite laggy with slow connection

2 of those quit cause it lags too much for them

2 quit cause they are new and not so great at it, or they made a dupe account and dont care

cause so many are quitting, 2 more quit.

8 people left, not too bad…

you find out 1 is using action replay.

people slowly quit until it is you, the person with action replay, a few newbies, and another person. not so decent of a race anymore.

UNLESS they change something on the multiplayer to make a record or something. if action replay isnt possible, it might actually turn out to be very fun. Though I am disappointed with the Wii so far…

Ideas for the wifi? 1. records 2. no lag when there are laggy players 3. only so many possible accounts to make per Wii.

Shork 17 years, 6 months ago

7. Use the miis. Put all the players miis in a city. Give em baseball bats. Aim for faces.

bendodge 17 years, 6 months ago

Yes, no, no, no, no, yes, no.

Maxcore 17 years, 6 months ago

Okay heres the thing, 32 players is already too many. In Socom 3 they decided to go from 16 to 32 players and everyone stopped playing because the maps were designed for 32 people but no one wanted to wait for 32 and since playing with 16 took too long due to map size everyone stopped playing.

as for the questions:

1) Nope, because all games for Wii suck (pretty much)

2) Of course not, its broadband lol

3) See 2

4) See 2 and 3

5) See 2, 3, and 4

6) YES

7) I agree with Kaz ^.^

Shork 17 years, 6 months ago

6. Nintendo doesn't make their systems compatible with dial up. so no, dial up will not lag.

JID 17 years, 6 months ago







7.STFU! Get your own ideas.

Siert 17 years, 6 months ago

The reason even the Xbox didn't have 32 players online at once is because the Wii is freaking better.

Dirt_Devil 17 years, 5 months ago

1. yes

2. no

3. not sure

4. not sure

5. not sure

6. not sure

Ph0x 17 years, 5 months ago

imagine… all of 64digits in one animal crossing town… holy crap lag Q_Q

Blizza Blade 16 years, 7 months ago

Mario Kart Wii has no lag its just awesome