Gamemaker period the end.

Posted by GMWIZ on Feb. 23, 2010, 12:03 a.m.

Wow, another good day at the house. I was actually so bored today that I broke out the Dusty ol' Gamemaker app collecting dust on my desktop :P. I can't believe I'm using it again. Its been maybe a few years.

Well anyways I pulled up a old lego game i made awhile ago. It had a good basis, IT would have been a Multi-player top down fighting game which is always nice. But I guess the way I was writing all the code back then was none at all. Instead of sprite transforming I was making separate sprites and seperate objects for every dang thing. I was half way though and I said "Screw it, I'm Rebuilding this game from the ground up!" So I ended up picking the title "Nuclear Legos" (lolz) the whole basis of the game is a Co-op strategy with many different levels and game types.

The only game type in it now is Survival, You get points to live. There is a giant Cannon in the middle of the level which shoot balls at you (tehe) No like fire energy ball things which are cool looking. They bounce off everything and have a timer to get destroyed. eh Its not the best game but everyone i showed it too likes it.

You have like Lego Fortresses you can kick anyway you like to keep the balls out .. theres four bases. all different one on each corner. In multiplayer mode there is a shortage of blocks lol. But yeah anyway.. eventually .. maybe if I care enough to finish this It will be on this site :) haha that will be my second posted one. ALL the rest of my games are unfinished in some way that makes them no fun.

The whole reason I probably like making top-down games is probably because of Josh Dreamland and his Game maker LAN - DLL. I use the DLL so much where ever I can. Because I like playing over different computers and its so easy to do its like a second nature to me.

Well I don't know what to say 64 digits.. "Live Long and Prosper"


Crane-ium 15 years ago


Ferret 15 years ago

Pulling up old projects never work, you always have to start over. I once worked on a game for far too long, eventually my programming was much better then how I started and it began to conflict with everything I wanted to do. Project added to the far too large pile of unfinished games.

Alert Games 15 years ago

yeah, definately start over. you can pull them up to look at them and the ideas, but most the time there is always a better way of doing it.

itll just be better the next time around.

Castypher 15 years ago

Whenever people say "survival," the first thought I get is LIFE SIM. But then it's always these little move-around-and-don't-die games. But don't get me wrong, casual games like that still do well.

marbs 14 years, 12 months ago

It is fun to look at old projects, and realise how awfully made they are, and then realise how far you've come in terms of programming since then.

Castypher 14 years, 12 months ago

Man, you should've seen Lixies that long ago. It was hilariously bad.

GMWIZ 14 years, 12 months ago

Yup you guys totally summed it up. Its way better now in 6 hours of work than it could've ever been 2 years ago. Some of programing (most) you know is just really common sense. I can just look at a code now and see what I did wrong or if it's in the wrong order. Its convenient to say the least.

PS: lol Survival always meant to me "Stay Alive" or in other words "Endless melee" or "die eventually, and get points for it"

LAR Games 14 years, 12 months ago

Because of that exactly, I've never been able to finish the only game I work on. I think I've rebuilt it like 5 times already.


GMWIZ 14 years, 12 months ago

Oh wow. Haha Eventually I would have just went with one of them, I have a GTA game I made It has the most inefficient code ever, I sware