Stardust is in progress again

Posted by Game Fortress on Oct. 31, 2006, 11:28 p.m.

I put Stardust on the shelf after getting the basic engine working a few months ago, for lack of inspiration. It wasnt meshing like I had wanted, but I was finally struck with a few new ideas for it, and I have relaunched the project. (I have had a few unnanounced ones that are finished, but I am still cleaning them up. For curious eyes, the closest to completion is Underground, but I will talk about that later) I am happy to announce the first progress scinece August. I reprogrammed ALL the AI and it works MUCH smoother now. I was able to cut the code in half after figuring out a new way to work it, and I also revamped the pause menu and some of the attack mechanics. I reworked the talkboxes as well. Here is a screen:

<a href="">SCREENSHOT</a>

or, if the html link didnt work, paste this in your browser:

As for Underground… it was for a school project and I guess it got out of hand. It is a platformer that features double jumping as a major gameplay element, along with puzzles and exploration. The main character is some kind of frozen Gremlin who is helping free all his imprisioned freinds from a hot underground mine. It will be short and sweet. I wanted out by today, but that didnt happen… perhaps next week though, depending on how much time goes into Stardust.

(Oh, I just read the post that says HTML is disabled. That explains alot)


blueBX 17 years, 11 months ago

Stardust looks awsome. I cant wait for it to be finished.

Cesar 17 years, 11 months ago

I could have sworn this said Starbucks is in progress again O_o

anyways, use the

Amarin 17 years, 11 months ago

What Blueboy said.

@MrPacman: Starbucks in progress? xD

Pobble-Wobble 17 years, 11 months ago

Awesome. Awesome. Hooray for Starbucks! Cheers. =)

Jabberwock 17 years, 10 months ago

That looks approximately very pimpin'. :D