Neighbor's pets

Posted by Gamer3D on Nov. 7, 2006, 2:48 p.m.

  • My neighbor's dogs came over to our house. They are large, heavy, and like to lie down, which means that getting them out of our yard is a pain.

  • My neighbor's cat came over again. I say again because it has been coming over (unwanted) for quite a while. The dogs that came over didn't keep it from coming too.
  • Comments

    Cesque 18 years, 3 months ago

    The tech demo was enjoyable. The AI set to 2 was pretty hard indeed, though I guess "cheating" here is debatable. It's obvious that the computer enemy can hit you without even seeing you, from outside of the screen, which is a bit "cheaty" (not technically) as compared to a theoretical human opponent.

    Gamer3D 18 years, 3 months ago

    I can set the sight radius down. I had just made all sight radii to show everything that would be in the player's view. This requires that, as the sight range is spherical, some of the sphere not be visible to the player.

    One reason I say it does not cheat is that it loses track of where it's target is if it can't see it. I have also made the AI use exactly the same control system as people do, and do no more damage per shot than people do.