Two New Pets

Posted by Gamer3D on July 31, 2007, 12:26 a.m.

I got two new furry pets. One is a cute kitten. She is now named Arwen (after one of Tolkien's elves), and enjoys being finger-fed. She is not very expert at accepting finger-feeding though, and often bites the hand that feeds her.

The other furry pet has been lovingly named Shelob. It is a tarantula, and was captured two days ago. So far, it has been enjoying meals of crickets and two-inch meal worms. Shelob should survive a year or more, enough for it to be a demonstration at biology class. I have not petted Shelob yet.

P.S. Short Blog. Off the front page for me!!


KraZKat 17 years, 6 months ago

lol love the names, we got a Boston Terrier (who is very pug like and has floppier pug-like ears) and named him Samwise… I named this HUGE wolf-spider that lives in my bush outside Shelob also… I actually feed it about once every two days, if I did it every day it would not hunt anymore…

Mat 17 years, 5 months ago

Lol. Whats next? A pet Ork?