GamerHippo's WIP update.

Posted by GamerHippo7 on Feb. 23, 2007, 9:08 p.m.

Glad to see 26 of you tried Rebound Squared. Thanks a mil. If you liked that you should look forward to MaziMadu's next Kyle game. I highly recommend it.

Up above are supposed to be a few screenshots from my current WIP

"Ceasuri Fermoddyssey" A musical Adventure spanning a planned 10+ worlds. Of course, that may change in time due to space for music. Im currently contemplating on weather to use MP3 or Midi format. I'm gravitating towards Midi because I can do alot with sound panning with Midi scores. Of course that'll lead to music not as dynamic as the soundtrack of "Sapphire Stories" but what can ya do.

Has anyone played Super Mario 64? What am I saying, of COURSE you have. How about Pie_4's "Super Mario 64-2D" Well my ideas are currently shifting, and I'm going to have a mix of bubble bobble, mario 64, and kirby in this game… the ideas keep molding and merging into one blob of a game. Heh Heh. Hopefully Ill be able to pull this one off instead of making a flopper for a game D:.

Until Next time!!!

This is GamerHippo signing out~


s 17 years, 12 months ago

I like the crazy atmosphere of the screenshots.It gives a game potential…

Jabberwock 17 years, 12 months ago

Nice graphics. They kind of hurt my eyes, though, and there should be something at the bottom of the vines.

Rusky 17 years, 12 months ago

great screenshots- but in #2 the vine needs an outline on the bottom

mazimadu 17 years, 12 months ago

Yet another awesome game from everyones favorate hippo.

This game looks really good and graphics are reminicent of Cameos color quest.