GM 7-point-whoa!

Posted by GamerHippo7 on Feb. 28, 2007, 3:43 p.m.

So it seems that whenever I post something, it's about something craptacular that happened to me. Well today's glorious crapper happened a little bit after I downloaded the beautiful GM 7.0. I opened one of my recent platform-game projects, and looked at all the interesting things I could enhance it with. The room transitions are stellar, and the plethora of add ons are quite the lot to drool on. everything was great untill I tested my game…….

My character's movement is sligtly messed up now.

Whenever I want to move my character forwards.. I use the code to check

if relative position (4,0) is collision free for solid objects then

move relative to position (4,0)

That should be all I need to move right, shouldnt it?

It worked just FINE in 5.0, and 6.1.. so why won't it work now.

And why does it take LONGER to upload my game to test… *sigh* you should go download 7.0 and tell me if you experience anything wonky

Don't get me wrong. I like Yo-Yo games…. and MARK this blog, because In about a year, everyones going to want their published games on Yo-yo aswell… but for now, 64 Digits is STILL a dream come true.


FireflyX 17 years, 11 months ago

i wouldn't use old games in GM7 i found a few slight problems with certain things. I'm finishing all my version 6 games off before i use 7

marbs 17 years, 11 months ago

How did you manage to post the same blog 3 times in about 30 mins?

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 11 months ago

Wow, you are sneaky.

Stop pressing refresh.

mazimadu 17 years, 11 months ago

I normally dont do anything with new software until I see the examples.

GamerHippo7 17 years, 11 months ago

oh crud! i mustve presseed refresh… yeah great.. ~___~ Now the mods think im up to something

Nighthawk 17 years, 11 months ago

That kind of thing happens to all of us. [;)]