GamerHippo's Back Again!

Posted by GamerHippo7 on Aug. 2, 2007, 11:47 p.m.

It's been a CRAZY summer everyone. So much to do, and so little time to do it. As some of you already know, I've bee working on three games for the past six months, and I'm about to release my first of the three for the Fall. It's Titled "Harpo's Amazing Adventure"

H.A.A. was originally my first game ever created with GM and was horribly unplayable beyond belief. Isn't it funny when you look back on your old games and wonder "How on EARTH did I think this was cool?"

Well everything's been completely revamped. All bosses , characters, even the platforming engine's almost complete.

Ill let you all know, see, and hear some more details later on.



pule 17 years, 6 months ago

Sounds cool. I like platform games usually. And I totally know what you mean about looking back on old games…*shudders* I'm never going back!! God, imagine a couple years from now, looking back at myself now… hmmm… anyways, first comment w00t i've never done that before! Hmmm… I might make some new levels on one of my old games and post it here…. just for laughs; its good enough to be accepted, i think… In fact, it was mildly entertaining… but the graphics were horrible and the coding was a mess… I actually made a boss back then too, though :P i was rather ambitious at first. It turned out good though… thank you GamerHippo, you've inspired me to post an old not-quite-as-crappy-as-I-remember game!

Fishy Boy 17 years ago

I agree with the old games opinion, but I distinctly remember loving HAA when it was out long ago. It may have had bugs, but it was so obvious that you really were into making the game, and it really showed in the gameplay and such. Honestly, it felt pretty professional. I'm glad there's going to be more from you, as you're one of my favorite Game Maker devolopers.