Flight of the Conchords. No, it isn't a documentary about the revolutionary aircraft. It's a double entendre. See, its a band? Conchords? A band that play guitars? Conchords? As in, what you play on a guitar? OH, you get it, good, good, I thought I might have to patronize you for a second there.
Flight of the Conchords, in all their not-Australian-but-that-other-one glory.The lord has spoken, and he has spoken in the form of Flight of the Conchords, the most hilarious band ever. =D
You may have heard of them, I believe they made a sitcom on HBO in the US which recently aired over here in the UK on BBC4. They're just a parody band that happen to be classic, although admittedly to aqquiring taste.
I mean, with lyrics like:
The Humans are DeadThe Humans are Dead
We Use Poisenous Gases
And We Poisened Their Asses…
You can't really go wrong, can you? =P
But hey, don't take my word for it, head over
here or just youtube them, you copyright breachers, you.
Moar stuff down hereYeah, so I'm probably a bit late in saying The Orange Box was the best thing released this decade. Metacritic has it at the top of the PC and Xbox 360 ratings, and hopefully the PS3 ratings soon as long as EA don't f**k the port up.
Speaking of Metacritic, I took the liberty of reading the user reviews on my new Wii of The Orange Box, when I felt suddenly sick when crossing over someone saying that Halo 3 pawned it.
I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure even the most delusioned member of 64 Digits should know that comparing Halo 3 to Valve's masterpeice is like comparing 'Transformers: The Movie' to Pulp Fiction. Sure, its pretty good, but we're hardly going to look back in thirty years and say, 'wow, the game industry just wouldn't be the same without it.'
So yeah, I've nearly finished Ep2, Portal was brilliantly innovative and witty, whilst Team Fortress 2 will keep me going for a while. All in all, pretty outstanding.
See this guy? He'd show Mr. Energy Sword where to shove it with his Red Metal Wonder any day.What? Game Maker stuff now?Well yeah, I have secret plans to convert the virtually empty half of my bedroom into a little office where I shall create my little peices of amazement. Sort of need a debit card first though, and it would help if I could wait 4 years until I'm 18 and can start up a company, but meh, figures.
Thanks for reading,
p.s I just spent the last 5 minutes spell checking what I just wrote. Wow, I suck at typing.
p.p.s Forgot to mention that I'll get round to making an Avatar and Banner when I can be bothered to do so.
YES IT IS ARC!!11!!!!