[GoD] 2012 and F4D

Posted by Gift of Death on Jan. 3, 2012, 5:16 a.m.

O'hey, look, it's the year of the Armageddon!

New year went quite fine. We shot some fireworks at our neightbour We were shooting fireworks with our neighbour since we (or rather my sisters) have 2 horses/ponies which would be scared the shit out of them if we did that next to the stable. Then we got invited inside to have a drink… And we ended up staying a bit longer than we were supposed to, which resulted in getting drunk. I went bed around 7am after some ham sandwiches and a couple of LoL matches (which I lost).

And that's pretty much it. So, happy new year! :3

So about the F4D. When I noticed that the deadline had been extended I finally started with my game! It was on 29th or 28th day I think. And now it has been extended by one more week! There's still hope to get an actually playable version published in time!

It's dangerous to go alone, take this screenshot with you!

As you can probably notice, almost all of the graphics are placeholders. Those maroon red cylinders will be replaced with trees/rocks other stuff, and somehow look less repetitive (random x/y coords abit?). Might attempt to make heightmapped terrain to make it look nicer, but that's pretty much the last thing I'll be doing for now.

Lets add that it's my 1st 3D project ever! D:


Toast 13 years, 1 month ago

It's dangerous to go alone, take this screenshot with you!
I used to make game references like you, but then I took a trollface.jpg to the trollface.jpg

Rob 13 years, 1 month ago

I thought you just lurked on IRC, I didn't know you actually blogged.

Gift of Death 13 years, 1 month ago

Oh, Stevenup. It was just worded the worst possible way, lemme fix…

"We were shooting fireworks with our neighbour". Shouldn't sound so cruel.

pounce4evur 13 years, 1 month ago

Your first 3D project ever? :D congrats, even without trees and stuff it looks pretty cool.