Some title

Posted by Gift of Death on Jan. 4, 2015, 5:07 a.m.

Soo… It's been a bit over a year since my last blog post. Seems like I removed the post, but whatever.

What have I been up to? Well, I finally started my studies and in a few years I should have engineer's degree in Software Technology/Programming. I'm still not quite sure if it's what I truly want to do but time will show. Actually, I'd love to make a living by crafting stuff but it's really hard to make a good living as a carpenter or such here. Well construction workers do get paid relatively well I guess, but I'm not that much into that.

But really programming is the closest to doing-stuff-by-hand I could think of as you get a visible result on the monitor for all the hours you worked on the code. And I can still keep on doing handicrafts as a hobby. :3

Well, might as well share this and that with you (the pad will get a bar and plating at the rear at some point). And a video of the latter. Not my best run but whatever, it's meant to show it works (although the sensitivity still needs some tweaking).

I've also been pondering on an idea for a game (actually 1st thought about it a couple of years ago). There's not much concept art, or anything else on that matter, yet, but I feel like might actually get something done this time. I'll post a more thorough blog about it when I have more to show.

I'm just scared by the sheer amount of character animations I'll have to do as I never was that good at animating human (nor animal) movements. I suppose I should try to look more into animating before I rush into anything. :p

Let's see how my activity lasts this time. 8D


twisterghost 10 years, 1 month ago

It's more about the pleasure of making things than wanting to express something.

Wouldn't the music be an expression of the pleasure of making the music?