I'm not good with titles

Posted by Gift of Death on Jan. 19, 2015, 10:07 p.m.

So. Insomnia. Or some shit like that. Went to bed somewhere after 22:00 and woke up at 3:00 just to roll around in bed for about 2 hours just to give up on getting any more sleep tonight. And the same shit last night, with the difference that I only slept about 3 hours. And to add to the injury I slept like 4 hours on Sunday morning so… I'm just expecting to spontaneously combust sometime soon. Or fall asleep during a class, who knows. I just want to sleep, damn it!

Okay, we got that out of the way now. I've been hoarding Castlevania games for a while now, and have concidered on streaming through every damn one of them in the order of release. Well, excluding anything that isn't on Nintendo's console or PlaySation, anyways. Because I don't really feel like finding myself an MSX or anything Sega right now at the moment. I'm still missing a couple of titles I wanted to get (Vampire's Kiss/Dracula X, Legends, and Aria of Sorrow come to mind but there's more, getting them all as loose carts will cost something like 150€, if lucky). Anyways the broadcast language is still open. I might roll with English if any non-Finnish viewers pop up, or keep it in Finnish and just answer to whatever the foreign ones have to say in appropriate language. Anyways, I'll probably post a link to the stream if anything ever happens.

And my other projects? Well… basically no progress. Because school. And lazy ass. For some unknown reason I haven't got myself to draw or anything for a while now apart from crappy random sketches during classes, but I've been going through a lot of stuff in my head. It's just a shame I haven't written anything down. I haven't done anything much towards my website either. Everything just seems to have frozen in place, like too many times before. I really want to get back into game making but I can't decide on any of the crap that needs to be decided. And I suck at storywriting. I can't speak for storytelling because I don't think I ever got that far in making a game. I mean I get a crude engine together and then the project freezes because I'm not sure what to do. But I'll figure out something this time!

Sorry you had to go through that mess of a post.


Quietus 10 years, 1 month ago

maybe something herbal to help you sleep? Valerian root always works for me when I have insomnia.

oddly, I've never gotten ahold of a Castlevania game. I've always wanted to try symphony of the night.

as far as storytelling, just study what inspires you most. I've been studying my favorite games and movies a lot lately, and it helps give me insight to what I like.