
Posted by Gift of Death on Sept. 20, 2006, 2:46 p.m.

This is my first blog entry ever (I think), and I already say one thing: Sorry my bad english, but I'm from Finland. ^_^

I have started new project today. It haven't name yet, but I try get first beta out in this week. It's top-down sneaking game. Hardest create is enemys AI. This will come much like Metal Gear Solid, but 2D.

I have noticed today, music help much focus with homeworks, becaus it close almost every "external disturbances(?)".

But this is enought for this day. Good night.

Time is 22:46


shadowstrike32 18 years, 5 months ago

Lol, GOD's blog.

melee-master 18 years, 5 months ago

Finland eh? Lucky you. You guys have some really insane metal bands there.

AthamX 18 years, 5 months ago

Screw the metal bands. Finland is the only country besisdes Norway where you can still breathe. The pop. density is like, 1/15 k

AthamX 18 years, 5 months ago

Oh, and Hi

LauriP 18 years, 5 months ago

Hey, welcome to 64digits! =P ..as we already know, I have nothing more to say..

I've seen some pics / demos of that game, and it seems like a soon to be good game =P

Acid 18 years, 5 months ago

You have a pretty good engine going for you with that game.

Good job. :)

BTW, I'm a insane fan of the Metal Gear series. :)

RPR 18 years, 5 months ago

@flying hippo: population density is about 17 inhabitants / km^2 :D

@GoD: tervetuloa! uutta suomalaista osaamista kaivataan ja kipeästi :thumbsup:

Bex 18 years, 5 months ago

YOUR REALLY COOL!!!I have a cousine who lives in finland!I like finland it's cool!!!!!!!!!!!

Gift of Death 18 years, 5 months ago

Thanks DUDE!

(Dude, wheres my car? xD)

frenchcon1 18 years, 5 months ago

wow, your english isnt very good…

but who cares. youre from finland.