Forum is back!!!

Posted by Go Bologna on Feb. 20, 2008, 8:02 p.m.

The forum is back today. Yay. :) I posted some updates on my WIPs there. Also, there's been nobody on the forum today except sumo and I? What happened? Did everyone suddenly lose all interest in the 64digits forums? :( I feel lonely. Anyway, let's get on with this.

Game Maker News:

I've gotten back to work on Super Jumper Kitty. I made the demo level a little longer. If you want to see for yourself, play it here. Also, my project Bob the Blob has a new temporary name. Its temporary name is now "Blob Game (Working Title)". It has 2 levels, and both are pretty short. The first level starts out appearing as the exclamation, "BLOBZ!", but as you move around and hit the switch block, it doesn't look that way as much. The second level atop a castle that only appears once you hit the correct switch. That level is, obviously, called "Invisible Castle". If you wanna check it out, play it here.

Gaming News:

I've been checking the Super Smash Bros Brawl website every day. Today, Falco was revealed. Falco is a REALLY BAD clone of Fox. I hate Falco in Smash Bros. He doesn't even get his own Final Smash. >:( He's almost a duplicate. Oh, well. At least Pichu ain't coming back. Pichu was like Pikachu, except not as useful. Dang clones. While waiting for Brawl, I've been getting every last once of gameplay out my copy of Super Smash Bros Melee. I'm stuck on Event Matches #49 and #50. They're so hard. :( The worst gaming news I have currently is the death of my Nintendo Gamecube. Whenever I try to play a game, I get:

"An error has occured. Turn the power off and consult the Nintendo Gamecube instruction booklet."


A moment of silence for my Gamecube, please.

What a sad day. Plus, I can't play my Wii because my mom wouldn't let me bring it to my grandparents' house. My grandparents have a dog that's almost as big as me. It's still a puppy too. The puppy even acts like a puppy. Ouch. XD My mom is worried that the dog will find the Wii and we'll have to go find another one. So, I'm stuck with my dead Gamecube at my grandparents' house with a dog almost as big as me. I've basically been relying on the computer to survive Winter Break. How do you think I have so much time for Game Maker?


That concludes my longer than usual blog. Wow, I've been writing a lot. :o Well as usual:

Do not click.


sk8m8trix 17 years ago

The Forum sucks, only noobs still go there.

Lethal 17 years ago

Did everyone suddenly lose all interest in the 64digits forums?
Wait, there was interest in the forums?

Go Bologna 17 years ago

@ sk8: Are you purposely attempting to piss me off?

@ Lethal: I'm pretty sure there was before it went down.

NeutralReiddHotel 17 years ago

Not really, it's the truth. Only really, really new users and staff actually go to the forums.

Blog & Comment system = better.

Firebird 17 years ago

Real men use IRC

RetroVortex 17 years ago

All the updates you'll ever need freind…

(site is incomplete though, but their is enough data to last a while…)

sumo 17 years ago

the death of my Nintendo Gamecube.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Do you know how it happened? if not, give me what you THINK happened to it!

Rogue squadron 3 is being a bitch and not playing… though it might be the large number of scratches on it… :P

Go Bologna 17 years ago

@ dabridge: Then why is there a forum?

@ Firebird: For some reason, I can't access it.

@ RetroVortex: Thank you. ;D

@ sumo: I don't know how it happened, but I think it has something to do with the fact that I've had it since I was in 4th grade. It's old.

Go Bologna 17 years ago

Yayz I am on IRC get on NOW.

sumo 17 years ago

I don't know how it happened, but I think it has something to do with the fact that I've had it since I was in 4th grade. It's old.

Ah… kk