Super Smash Bros Brawl = Epic Win

Posted by Go Bologna on March 18, 2008, 7:31 p.m.

I finally got Super Smash Bros Brawl last Monday. Tis why I've been so inactive lately. Anybody else have it? If so, got wi-fi? I need someone to brawl with. My sister only likes the game because it has good music and anime boys. <_< My friends are barely ever on wi-fi. I'm talking about the ones that have Brawl. All one of them. XD I've already beaten the Adventure Mode: Subspace Emissary on Easy mode. Next I'm gonna try Normal. I have all 35 characters. Yay.

So… as for Game Maker, I've been playing around with 3D and multiplayer coding. I suck at it. :( That's pretty much it. See you again soon! I'm gonna go beat the crap out of Falco.


RC 16 years, 11 months ago

I have it, I have no Wi-Fi, I haven't beat The Subspace Emissary, I like ZSS.

blueBX 16 years, 11 months ago

Sorry, I only fight with people who have beaten the game on intense difficulty.

Cesar 16 years, 11 months ago

Bring it on, BBX

Alert Games 16 years, 11 months ago

There are sooooo many noobs on wifi >_>

also, I almost like melee better… the only reason why I like brawl is the online…

Alert Games 16 years, 11 months ago

also, make sure to turn spectator mode off on the online settings. cause it laggs like hell otherwise apparently

Robineivets 16 years, 11 months ago

I've got it…but eh, I need practice.

I'm damn rustyy

Yeah, I got Wifi

Castypher 16 years, 11 months ago

Got it. Got Wifi. I'll beat BBX into the dust, kthx.

SallyValentine 16 years, 11 months ago

I kinda like melee a bit better as well. They slowed down the gameplay in Brawl a little too much:/

lol, and as for liking Brawl for it's online… Totally wish that Nintendo had done a better job with it. I mean, the only way you can communicate with other people- like your friends- is through taunts :(

Go Bologna 16 years, 11 months ago

@BBX: I won't be seeing you on Wi-Fi, then? XD

@ Alert: Melee was pretty good, but I like to play as Wolf, Sonic, Snake, Ike, and Metaknight. And thanks for the tip. I'll turn it off.

@ Sally: I liked the fast pace as well. As for

lol, and as for liking Brawl for it's online… Totally wish that Nintendo had done a better job with it. I mean, the only way you can communicate with other people- like your friends- is through taunts :(
I do think they should do a little more with the online communication. However, I found a little video telling why it's so limited.

IGN Video Interview (HD)