This is my blog

Posted by Golden Wolf on May 23, 2008, 3:08 p.m.

Welcome welcome…and erm….welcome….I've been popping in and out of 64d for awhile now, but never felt the urge to write a blog. However today i got really bored and thought…hey, why not eh?…

A long time ago i posted up a very poor rpg inventory example (don't go look for it…it's embarrasing) when i was first starting out with Gamemaker….I've come a long way since then and my GM skills are….hmm….let's say…above average…Back in GM6 days i created about 8 different games that i thought were pretty awesome….but my hard drive went and got corrupted on me….leaving me absolutely gutted…You see..i never felt the urge to backup my hard drive….i just thought hey….it'll never happen to me…now i back up my hard drive at least once a month…can never be too safe…So i gave up the game making game for awhile…until GM7 came out and i felt the love all over again.

I'm currently working on a platform stlye game called Lemmy's Grand Adventure…where you don't control the main character directly, but manipulate the objects within the levels….The very cagey story at the moment is you are a 'Lemmi God' whose main purpose is to protect a member of the Lemian tribe throughout thier journeys…in this case the Lemian you are protecting is out to find the Legendary treasure to bring another 1,000 years of peace to his tribe….yeah as i said…very cagey…but i'll work on…so don't worry

This is hopefully a screenie of the first level in the game (I'm useless at BBCODE [:)] )

So…..I guess that's all from me, hope to see you around…oh and by the way check out ths youtube video (hoepfully…damn you BBCODE) made by…erm….ME!!

See ya around 64d


sludgames 16 years, 9 months ago

first blog?

s 16 years, 9 months ago

Ya, keeping backups of files you can't just replace with a little stroll on the internet is a good idea. So this game, how much have you finished?

Kenon 16 years, 9 months ago

The screenshot.

Anyways, wierd.

mrmediocrity 16 years, 9 months ago


F1ak3r 16 years, 9 months ago

Welcome to 64Digits! May the game's fun value be as large as melee-master, and may your harddrive crashes be as few and far-between as canadonian's logins.

Also, there's a "Username Change" button on your "Preferences" page. I'm suggesting you remove the "Inc" part of your name, it sounds n00bish.

Cpsgames 16 years, 9 months ago

This is your blog.

Welcome to 64Digits!

Enjoy your stay, okay?

F1ak3r 16 years, 9 months ago

This is my comment.

Golden Wolf 16 years, 9 months ago

Hi, sorry i ain't said something sooner but my internet's been playing up since i wrote this blog…which by the way sludgames…is my first blog [:)].

Quote: serprex
how much have you finished?

Well, it's the very early stages at the moment. I'm still working on the charcter movement engine and the screenie i showed is the only level i have so far, but it's coming along quite quickly

Quote: Kenon
The screenshot.Anyways, wierd.

I guess it's hard to tell what's going on in that screenshot, but that's pretty much all i have at the moment so…yeah.

Anyway that'll be all…i don't want this message to be as long as my blog…oh and F1ak3r, i like the Inc. part of my name [:)].and yes cpsgames…i', sure i will

F1ak3r 16 years, 9 months ago

Alrighty then. Your choice.

Golden Wolf 16 years, 9 months ago

Hmm….actually thinking about you may be right…I said Golden Wolf Inc. to myself a few times…and it didn't sound right…so my new name is being queued?.. and the logo's changed so…erm…yeah