Help! I'm trapped ...

Posted by Golden Wolf on July 11, 2008, 3:37 a.m.

You know what's weird, that was going to be the title of my next blog even if the people before me hadn't already done it. Guess someone was reading my mind again (it happens a lot to me).

Anyhoo I'm in a bit of a fix, It's my birthday on the 14th (monday) and (quite obviously) my mom is going to be buying me some presents. When asked what i want i came out with four different video games (and some other stuff like D.V.D's and C.D's and junk) feeling quite happy about myself…Well that was until my mom said she was only going to buy me two of those four video games…needless to say i was (wasn't) devastated. So then my mom said 'pick two of those games and tell me before i go get your presents on saturday (tommorow)'… I still haven't chosen which two i'm going to be getting. So i thought I'd list my choices here, the reason why i want to get them and let all of you help me decide…If you'd be so kind :P. So here we go

Okami - Nintendo Wii

When i first saw this game on the PS2 i immediately thought 'hey that game looks like a zelda game'. Of course at the time i only owned a nintendo Gamecube as wasn't going to buy a whole console for just one game. So imagine my delight when it got announced for the Wii, now i finally had a chance to play it, i will get this game eventually anyway but should i get it for my birthday?

Grand theft auto IV - Xbox 360

Firstly…i've never played a Grand theft auto game…ever. I never saw the appeal of running around a city doing mindless stuff, but having tried (and hated) true crime : streets of L.A i've been dying to play a good 'sandbox' game, and now (finally having an XBox 360) i have the chance to play it. Should i get this for my birthday simply because i've never tried a GTA game?

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Nintedo Wii

I remember playing the very first tomb raider on the psone at my friends house a long time ago and i pretty much hated it. However i recently took a plunge back into the series with tomb raider : Legend, and i've got to say i thoroughly enjoyed it, and so when tomb raider : Anniversary was announced for the wii i was filled with mild excitement. I liked the last one, but is that a good enough reason to get this for my birthday?

Race Driver : Grid - XBox 360

I only own one serious racing game (Project gotham racing 3). Which thinking about it is rather strange because i love racing games, i probably don't like serious racers as much as mario kart style ones but i still do like them. Seeing as I've only got one serious racing game i'd really like another, more up to date one. I've seen trailers, gameplay footage and have read reviews and everything i've seen/heard so far seems pretty good, but is that enough reason to get it for my birthday?

So there you go, my four choices. The two games that i am leaning to at the moment are Okami and GTA IV, however the other two are screaming out 'buy me, buy me'. Looking at the charts that people have been making it's clear to me that music taste is completely different to most of you, however our gaming tastes are very similar. So here's hoping you can all help me narrow this choice of four down to two…over and out


PY 16 years, 7 months ago

No, GTAIV is, while realistic, not as fun as the others…

lo_lord 16 years, 7 months ago

If i were you i would get GTA4 and Race driver: Grid. Ive played both and there pretty awesome. The others dont seem to appeal to me very much, but thats personal preference.

Also i love your blogs colors and your title pic. Will add you to my friends list.

Golden Wolf 16 years, 7 months ago

@PY But i haven't played the others, so will that matter to me?

@lo_lord so that's one vote to GTA and race driver :p. Oh and i too love my blogs colors and title pic, welcome to GW's friend list

Cesar 16 years, 7 months ago

How is it possible to link reality with the lack of fun, PY?

SquareWheel 16 years, 7 months ago

If you underline text, it should be a link. Frankly, getting two commercial games for a birthday present sounds wonderful to me, I would not see that as disappointing at all.

I've yet to try GTAIV, but I did love the other GTAs, so I'll have to put a vote here. I downloaded GRID

GRID on PC and honestly find it rather difficult. I crash a lot. I'm sure it's a good game if you know how to play. Tomb Raider games have never appealed to me, and I've never heard of Okami.

So I'll say GTA and GRID as well. Keep in mind I am voting like your typical American voter, without knowing who I am even voting for.

Have a good birthday.

Josea 16 years, 7 months ago

I heard Okami was good until the graphics completely turned me off.

KaBob799 16 years, 7 months ago

Get the more expensive ones then buy yourself the other 2.

I would not be devastated to get 2 games for my birthday.

Biggs 16 years, 7 months ago

You know what I got for my birthday? A 360 controller, twenty dollars, and a shovel. Two games is WAAAY more than enough.

That being said I vote for Okami and TRA because GTA if for gangsters and I don't like racing games.

Golden Wolf 16 years, 7 months ago

Quote: Golden Wolf
i was (wasn't) devastated

notice the 'wasn't' in brackets…it was a joke…ah forget it

@ SquareWheel Never heard of Okami, you insult my inner-gamer, oh and thanks i'll have a great birthday

@Josea I happen to like the graphics so that's not an issue for me

@KaBob799 Wow, genius idea :P

@Biggs Hee hee a shovel

mesenberg 16 years, 7 months ago

You know what's weird, that was going to be the title of my next blog even if the people before me hadn't already done it. Guess someone was reading my mind again (it happens a lot to me).

No i think you are just copying me…


Get the Wii games, they are more fun to play.