a GW update

Posted by Golden Wolf on July 13, 2008, 2:24 p.m.

Hi there, 'tis me again. I haven't got anything majorly important to blog about today but i thought I'd just give and update on all the stuff I'm doing at the moment.

First of all it's my birthday tommorow (if you're reading this on the 13th that is….if you're reading this on the 14th then it's today…and if you're reading this after the 14th…then you've missed it). I decided to ask for Okami and GTA IV as the two games…here's hoping that's what i get.

Right, now to talk about my game maker projects. I haven't wrote anything about my projects since my first blog, mainly because I've had a lot of other stuff happening in my life at the moment. Anyhoo, I've currently got two projects on the go which are as follows: (As of this time i haven't updated Lemmy's grand adventure on the projects page)

Lemmys Grand Adventure

Incase you don't know, this game is a platform game, however it has more in common with lemmings than mario. The premise of the game is that a little creature called lemmy is on a quest to find a sacred treasure that will bring another 1,000 years of peace to his village. In the game you take the role of a Lemian god that must protect lemmy from the dangers of the world. To do this you must manipulate objects within the world to allow Lemmy (who moves from left to right constantly) safe passage through the stages. Anyway enough game info, let's move onto the project progress. I've currently got the movement and interaction of lemmy with the objects in the game pretty much sorted (with a couple of minor glitches at the moment), and i've programmed in 4 different enemies (there's gonna be about 60, so i'm a long way away yet) and i'll deal with the rest of them as i go along. I still need to create a title screen and menu, but that's the easy part really. I haven't made as much progress as i would have liked to, but that's because i lost the urge to work on it for a couple of weeks, but that phase passed so it should come along nicely from now.

Mansion of Doom

I have never mentioned this project in any one of my 64D blogs, i have added a little info on the project page, but this is the first time it's been on my blog. The basics of the game are, you control a guy named Colin that had his body stolen and his soul put in a 'ghostly' new from (yes he's a ghost). This game is sort of a puzzle platform game (i guess) without any platfrom jumping. You see Colin, being a ghost, can float about the single-screen stages and you must navigate him from side of the 640 width stage to the other, while solving puzzles, dodging enemies and the like. I'm currently working on the menu screen as there is going to be a lot of modes in here (in fact the most modes i'ver ever done in a game). At this time i have a story mode (with an opening cutscene and 5 stages), a (very simple) create-a-level mode (where you can create up to 8 of your own stages), a gallery mode (a place to view detailed info on enemies and objects), a mini-game room (which will house (at least) 6 mini-games) complete so far with 2 fully working mini-games (Balloon blowout and Brickers Dungeon). In this game i've also decided to include Xbox style achievements, after completing a certain goal in the game you will unlock a badge in the achievment room. The only real purpose of these badges is to show you how to unlock all of the secret modes and mini-games within the game, but i think it's pretty cool. the main story mode will include at least 100 seperate stages over 10 differently themed worlds. Yeah and that's pretty much it at the moment on this game.

As you can probably tell, work is going a lot better on Mansion of Doom than Lemmy's grand adventure. Mainly because MoD is a lot easy to create than the rather complicated Lemmy, but they'll both get there eventually. Of course with my birthday right around the corner, I'm gonna be pre-occupied with my new games for a while, but i'll begin work on them again, mark my words.

Other GW news:

My favourite T.V show at the moment is scrubs, i've missed most of this series because it was on at the same time as house (which i love), but house finished two weeks ago so i can watch scrubs now (even though i think this thursday's episode might be the last of the series which will make me bery bery sad).

I'm also still loving Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it's such an awesome game, and me and my own bros. absolutely love it. I can see us playing this until the next smash bros. (considering we only stopped playing melee 1 month before brawl was released), we just love this game so much.

Anyhoo, i guess that's me up-to-date, I'll see you around the water cooler, over and out


SquareWheel 16 years, 7 months ago

That reminds me, I want to look into water cooling systems.

flashback 16 years, 7 months ago

That reminds me, I need to reseat my case door to stop it from vibrating in my airflow.

Cesar 16 years, 7 months ago

That reminds me, I should stop going to the FBI and asking for cabbagekid

PY 16 years, 7 months ago

That reminds me, I… damn, I've forgotten.

RC 16 years, 7 months ago

That reminds me, I need to quit quitting the things I quit.

F1ak3r 16 years, 7 months ago

That reminds me, I had an actual comment to put here, but I don't want to break the combo.