Well I decided to sign up. It is a great site. I like the layout, uploading system, and the idea of badges.
Upon joining i beat the LOLOMGWTFBBQ series. They are good games, a nice and simple engine. I have a tendency to go beyond my game making abilities so I should try to build a simple game like this.I am currently working on a game called Gamel. It is an adventure/Platformer. It is about a guy who uses his spaceship and goes to other planets. There different weapons that the ship can use, the guy can get out of the ship, and many other features. I have three planets so far, a fire planet, a water planet and earth. I am hoping to have at least two more. I have no storyline ideas yet.These screenshots are not actually from the game, due to the fact that I don't want to do level design until I have my room transfering system completed. I am thinking about making the ship smaller and changing the sprite altogether. Also I don't really like the particles from the thrusters so I think I will redo them. also my sprites screwed up with that purple stuff on the edges so i need to take that out. This game is still in the early stages of development. But I think It will Be fun.Screenshots:If anyone could help me with the room transfering system that would be great. :)
Hey, this looks pretty fun. Welcome to 64D, and good luck with future development of your game.
Is space a level?
Well kinda. Space is just a place where the level entrances are but i will put some stuff in there.