64DSCadventure #1

Posted by Gordy on April 4, 2014, 11:53 p.m.

So I'm not sure if i'm going to enter this game in the competition yet, but I'm greatly considering at least submitting a demo.

I hope it's not against the rules to use a simple engine I developed (little to zero content).

Nonetheless, this is the first devlog for my adventure game, I'll try to give an update every few days.

Engine progress as of Feb 2014

Engine progress as of Feb 2014

Engine progress as of Late Feb 2014

Engine progress as of Late Feb 2014

Engine progress as of Late Feb 2014

Engine progress as of March 3 2014

First Engine Rewrite happens here.

Engine progress as of April 4 2014

Current Version as of Today, April 5th, 2014 (increased resolution of textures)

Progress has been slow, mostly because I lack motivation.

I will try to do as much as I can to fit in with the limited palette theme, just not sure what approach to take yet.

Story and everything else is secret atm :X

> Calling out to all game devs who use skype and like to chit chat about games / share critiques and suggestions on game projects and things of the like should message me and we can become friends!


Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

Very excited about this! Aesthetically pleasing already… Keep it up, man!

To anybody reading this: I'm defacid on pretty much every social network/messaging client that exists, but if you can't find me, send me a message and I'll link up.

I'm busy 200% of the time, so I might not reply SUPER fast, but if you catch me at a good time I might be able to chat for a while.

Excited to see what kind of game you'll make with this engine. (I know it's an adventure, but there are tons of different kinds of subgenres within that)

Toast 10 years, 10 months ago

I love 2.5d, what ya making this in

Gordy 10 years, 10 months ago

i'm trying to keep it visually simplistic so i don't waste too much time fretting about the graphics, i'm glad they don't look too bad.

the gameplay will mostly consist of puzzles where you help "solve" people's problems and then dealing with the repercussions of those actions, all while the character is on a mission of his own to solve himself.

hard to explain, i'll try to give more examples later on.

i'm making this in game maker 8.

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

Spine is available (though it costs money) and has built-in support into GM:S.

But I'll make my skeletal engine freely available once it's done. You might have to use GM:S to open it, but all of the code should be backwards compatible with up to GM6.

eagly 10 years, 10 months ago

Wow this is looking awesome. Really love the style. Keep it up! I'll message you my Skype details, as I do like a good chat about games and game dev in general. I'm not online a whole lot due to my job and things but that'll hopefully be changing soon! :)

Alert Games 10 years, 10 months ago

Looks really awesome. I'd love to see more updates to this as you work on it!

Cosine 10 years, 10 months ago

My brother made a skeletal animation thing for GameMaker. It's almost 8 years old and I have no idea if it's any good, but I'm just throwing it out there.

The art looks really nice, by the way. Really digging the look you've got going.

Gordy 10 years, 10 months ago

@acid oh yeah, spine is very neat, i should probably upgrade to gms but i wrote a rant about it a while back and i'm sticking to my guns!

@cosine looks cool, i'll play around with it tonight

> for anyone else, my skype is: ***

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

If you don't add me first, I'll add you later tonight.

And I'll check it out too, cosine. I like making my own stuff though because I learn, it's fun, and I can make things work EXACTLY as I want.