23 strikes again

Posted by Graydon on Dec. 14, 2006, 6:55 p.m.

Play my Pong game

In other news ur mom is on a bun and she wants you to go help her

Well to the 23 ranting

- My freind listened to the same song 23 times today

- I have a mark thats three times 23

- In my book im on page 23

- One of my games had 23 downloads

- My bus is number 23

- My internet is running at 23 MB/S right now

- Canada is 23 times better than the US

Dont say this blog isnt long enough and say "Off the front page for J00"


Your mother contains inappropriate content and will be removed from the front page. She is also on a bun with something between them


Graydon 18 years, 2 months ago

On the front page for J00

Sleepysock 18 years, 2 months ago

woa spaz