Ogame and other stuff

Posted by Graydon on July 24, 2007, 11:45 p.m.

I haven't blogged in a while and I'm bored so I may as well. Since the start of summer I've done tons of stuff including: having two jobs (umpiring and working at my dads), hanged out with my friends, got a new internet provider (Rogers) because sympatico sucks, and got an Ogame account. Also I have started a new game which is very early in development, which I will add into my projects bar in a minute. As I just said, my family changed internet providers which has made me very happy. For the same price that we used to pay for sympatico, we now have rogers which gives me a way faster download speed (100kb/s to 600kb/s). I noticed the huge increase in speed when I was downloading a demo on my xbox that was 600 mb and was finished in ten minutes which is an incredible speed. I love my new internet, and I laugh at Rob's slow 2kb/s connection. (Laughs at Rob's inferior connections speed).

Also I started an account at Ogame, which by the way, is awesome. I am just starting out, and my user name on the game is graydon77222. I have named my planet Reach after the military planet from Halo, as I am a fan of the series. So far my resources gather at: 483 metal per hour, 318 crystal per hour, and 169 deuterium per hour. As you can see I am not very far. My co-ordinates are 1:244:10 if anyone is wondering. Could everyone who comments with an Ogame account put there co-ordinates and user name for Ogame please.


Rob 17 years, 7 months ago

2kbs? 5kbs!

Graydon 17 years, 7 months ago

I see you have improved, XD.

Cosine 17 years, 7 months ago

5:309:10. I suck at it too D=

s 17 years, 7 months ago


Sleepysock 17 years, 7 months ago
