Yesterday was my first day with 64digits and i already have 3 badges. i submitted 3 games and i thought they would be on the site right away, but they were all in the 50's for the queue. How long does it take for a game or example to go through the queue and to get on the sight. I'm so comfused :P
SECOND BLOG:One. Blog. Per. Effing. Server. Day. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTAND THIS? I have merged your blogs.~~Flashback<h2>First Person Shooters:</h2> Everybody i know has a nack for first person shooters such as halo, or call of duty ect. and are fun to play but remember if your mom is around welse your playin them dont slip and say somethin you shouldnt. im sayin this because me and my freinds were playin halo 1 (one of the best games ever) yesterday and i said i was goin to kill my brother, and my mom thought i meant i was going to literaly kill my brother, so she said i had to take all my shooting games back, all 4 of them for the 360 which i payed 60$ a peice for and have to trade them in, and im only gonna get like 50$ for all of them. isnt that really stupid. she says there a bad influence, like wtf
Why can't I go outside and shoot people?
Why can't I go to the bank and steal money?Why can't I hack the site?It's the rules.ya and shooting people shouldnt be on your mind
Actually MM, its not "Why can't I", it's "Why shouldn't I". =P
The comments arn't exactly on topic
Should they not be?commandrob they can be as off topic as you are too formal and make games that are sorta fun, so burn
whatever your owned cause your pic sucks mastermind
Owned or Pwn, But I love shooting games. And if I lost those games, I'd make or download them!
i know it sucks, but with the money i got dynasty warriors