CSW(Artistic Trial)
I decided to release a tech demo just because I can. It only has one room and one type of enemy due to my lazyness. I have not work on this game since last year, around November. The demo is not impressive but at least it is something. I wish I can show you guys more but I can't. next time I release a demo, I promise that it will be a full demo, not stuff like this. You are able to try some of the weapons and tunics. There is not a lot to do but whatever. (Click on picture.)CSW Tech Demo and More
Posted by GreenNex on May 10, 2008, 12:36 p.m.
*Wolf whistles* Very pretty. The sky needs a bit of detail though, some clouds or something would be nice.
yeah, nice graphics
Yay looks good!
Wow, VERY like Cave Story, you should make the character move a little faster though. Do you need a music composer?
Looks good, how come the pencil draws black though? I can't really make it out from the background.
Yeah, I do need a music composer.