Manga Concept + Etc.

Posted by GreenNex on March 1, 2011, 1:18 p.m.


I have been working on trying to come up with my own manga. (I know at this point its total crap! lol) However, I like the idea but I would like to see what you guys think:

Story: (not well planned out yet XD)

Basically, during the like 1900 in London, There was a couple madly in love with each other. However, one Stormy gloomy EVIL day, his wife was driving back home from picking up her husbands medication, cause he was diagnose with cancer (not sure were yet). So suddenly she crashes or something, havent made up my mine in that.. well long story short, she dies, the husband is in total despair and cries to the skies!! suddenly falls unconscious in the cold ground while the rain washed away the remaining of his tears…. he sees a vision of like a devil-like figure who tells him that he can bring her back by collecting enough souls of the useless (humans)………

Years later, he runs an organization called S.A.W. (Soul Arrangement Workshop), and what they do there is they lease souls to desperate people who want bring back love ones. The catch is if they dont make there monthly payments, The Collectors come to there house to get back the leased soul including the person who signed for the lease…. Im not sure how, but somehow the moon was destroyed during the stormy night, and now the organization owns an artificial moon which grants powers (Karabela "Dark Curse") to The Collectors.

Here are some sketches of possible Collectors:

forgot to mention, the collectors are all dead corpses. They passed away and brought to this death life unwillingly by the Manager of S.A.W.

Main Collector or Leaser:

Instinct Mode

His girlfriend dies, so he kills himself aswell! blah blah! then the Manager is interested in him so he brings him to the Death Life not letting him rest in peace. He gets mad that now he has to live with his tortured soul of his love ones death. However, the Manager brings back his girlfriend, however the connection isnt the same as when they were alive…….. basically he is loyal to the manager to get close enough to bring him down….

Here are the rest:


Story: The parents left the triplets at a foster home or Adoption Agency thingy! The people who ran the place kept the children locked in cages with no food. One by one the triplets fell till there was only one left. To survive he had to eat his brothers corpses. He managed to escape… and it goes on….




This is the girlfriend of the Main Collector.. They kinda have a similar story like the couple I mentioned before, well about the girlfriend dying! lol dont feel like going into detail.





This is the Main Collector's brother… I cant remember his story…. however, he is very delusional person.


I know its not all that great and all!! NEEDS A LOT OF WORK!!! but please tell me what you think about it! or maybe suggestions if you want!! :)

plus ETC.

A few more drawings i want to share!!! :D

Image 2

Image 3

….and there!!!


JID 13 years, 11 months ago

Story: The parents left the triplets at a foster home or Adoption Agency thingy! The people who ran the place kept the children locked in cages with no food. One by one the triplets fell till there was only one left. To survive he had to eat his brothers corpses. He managed to escape… and it goes on….
What……… The….. Fuck….

Good drawings, original story, but I'm not into these type of stories…

But I am oddly drawn to it, even though I really don't want to be….

Quietus 13 years, 11 months ago

i think you win the originality badge for today, i've never all my years of coming here seen somebody planning their own manga. it's one of those things i wish i had thought of, excepting the fact i would suck terribly at it. your drawings are superb, and your stories have substance, i think you are doing quite well compared to most people in their early stages.

GreenNex 13 years, 11 months ago

@JID i know its a lil twisted and sick!! lol Im sorry for that. Its only concept so I mean it may change, but I really like it for some reason!

@hel haha thanks!! I appreciate it that! I really want to make this happen!!


Quietus 13 years, 11 months ago

But I am oddly drawn to it, even though I really don't want to be….
yup, that pretty much sums up my whole relationship with manga :P

GreenNex 13 years, 11 months ago

@Cyrus It takes at least 2 hours if im working on a slow pace! but actually depends on the drawing! at times it can take longer! The hard part is coming up with a design! that takes most of the time! Yeah i take animation classes. But with I have basically have been teaching myself on how to draw. But anatomy classes do help! :D

I have an intuos 3, but that was before I began drawing digitally.

SteveKB 13 years, 11 months ago

a manga hey????!!

here are some tips

manga drawings are drawings of people try to reference from real people too for anatomy and then reference anime artist drawings for style.

make story boards and sketches to help organize the drawings. and by sketches I mean really shitty sketchs that you can easily redraw somewhere if you need to shift panels around etc.

plan plan plan

make sure things stay the same, if a character has a cut on his right arm he should have the same cut in the next panels on his right arm not his left. he should also generally have the same body type etc.

continuity errors ruin mangaz

try to read and study techniques used in real mangas to learn how they use toning panel direction etc.

usually english mangas are left to right unlike japanese mangas but it's still your choice

you don't have to use tones in your manga you can use grayscale like some online mangas use.

try to find some mangas on smackjeeves and see if the artist has other websites some artists even have blogs with tips on how to make manga my favourite is meago's blog.

so yeah just practice practice practice, I'be been drawing for only a year and I've improved significantly just by analyzing techniques and drawing drawing drawing.

anyway that is all oh and / ad

GreenNex 13 years, 11 months ago

@meow44 Thanks for all the help!! I would take all that to consideration!! :) by any chance do you have work uploaded somewhere?? it would be nice to see other peoples' art! :)

JID 13 years, 11 months ago

This is the only drawing I've ever submitted to 64Digits. I usually don't try to draw anime, I tend to draw realistic things so here:

I hate this drawing, I personally think it's horrible. This was concept art for a game idea btw.

GreenNex 13 years, 11 months ago

@JID not bad at all! how long ago was this???

JID 13 years, 11 months ago

Thanks, this was about 4 months ago, I think.

I don't draw much anymore though, but I'm trying to get back into it.