Learning to Lead

Posted by Haizen on June 11, 2012, 1 a.m.

So I've been practicing lead guitar steadily for just about a year, Mostly just making sounds and annoying my family with my playing and singing. They hate it, I love it, go figure.

These last few weeks I've noticed a serious improvement in my playing, I can strum steadily and fast, keep beat, sing (scream) on key along with the song, and not pay any attention to my hands. My Fingers hurt though.

My only real problem with guitar is learning by ear, because I'm going deaf in my right ear.

For some reason I'm extremely exhilarated by this its just fascinating to me how fast I learned this instrument. With every new song I learn there's much more meaning to my life (Cause my life is very much so bland, I program and listen and play music that all.) Its like there's a cocaine party in my head and I'm not allowed in; I can only feel the aftermath of the doped over festivities.

I've played a few before this like: Violin, Baritone, Trumpet, but Lead Guitar is my new thing, and while playing none of these I've never gotten this enlightened feeling. Its so stress relieving.

When I play along to Tool, Deftones, Lamb of God, and a few select other bands like All that Remains, I feel much more connected to the music, because I'm not only enjoying it as solely the audience, I'm the vocalist and the lead guitar, and I'm in my own little headbanger's cover band and there's only me and my spiritual connectivity to the music. No better (mental) feeling in my life.

Don't knock my taste in music either, it works for me.


Just me throwing this idea out there, but if you've ever been to the Skyrim nexus they have a nice front page showcase of peoples in-game art, I was thinking whoever maintains the website would consider adding something similar to the front page so the community could showcase any art we've recently done instead of making a whole Blog.


pounce4evur 12 years, 8 months ago

Badass. You should post some videos of yourself sometime, so that I may lurk on your blog and watch them. I know the feeling, the exhilaration you describe. I recently became the singer of a little garage band and I don't know a better feeling than screaming into the mic, knowing that people are going to want to hear me sing one day. Even if it's only one or two, someone somewhere will like it. You have a pretty awesome taste in music too, I'd love to hear Schism (I think that's how you spell it?) by Tool. Dunno if that cool part in the beginning is bass or guitar, but fucking go for it please.

I just realized that I have no idea who you are or you changed your avatar icon and I don't recognize you…ah well.

Kamira 12 years, 8 months ago

My only real problem with guitar is learning by ear
I used to be completely tone deaf, but what helps is I've learned and memorized a lot of music, so when I hear a new song use a similar chord/interval/etc. I relate it to that and know what it is. Also helps with figuring out what key something is in.

I'd love to hear Schism
For what it's worth, I can play the intro and the peaceful middle part on euphonium, but it's not the same:P And the intro starts on bass but then the lead guitar joins in and they both play it.

pounce4evur 12 years, 8 months ago

If you want to start learning things by ear, start on piano. It really helps to form a solid base for you to stand on as far as intervals and starting pitches go. If I want to learn anything by ear, I find the notes on piano first.

Damn, Brandon. You're awesome. You should play that for me on Skype. :3

firestormx 12 years, 8 months ago

I was gonna knock your half taste in crappy music (I love Lamb of God and All That Remains though), but after reading your comments, and seeing things like "I like to fully understand one album before moving to the next", I decided I like you a lot. =3

You should post some videos if you're good at screaming. There's not enough screaming covers around.

Also, I maintain pay bills for this website, and there's been discussion and "plans" for for the ability to showcase art and music in the future. But it'll be part of a bigger re-working of the website, and who knows when that'll be. XD