These are some of my comments I posted on other blogs. They're extremely lengthy, but If you want to read through them and comment, go right ahead. These are 2 different comments, so there likely will be some redundancy.
|||||Response to legacy2
DAMNIT he deleted his blog. >:( Oh well. Everything's covered below.
|||||Response to Takagi
WALL O' TEXT WARNING: This text may cause your head to asplode, and is known to the State of California to cause cancer.
First things first: I'm… Well, I would say "Libertarian" more than "Republican." But, I'm really conservative.
I in no way support Jack Thompson. He can suck my ciribot. Friggin anti-videogame lunatic!
But, Bill O'Riley is cool. If only because he pisses off so many people, which can become very entertaining.
On Gun Rights:
Iv'e said it before, and I'll say it again. This is, by far, my favorite quote of all time:
The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it won't be needed untill they try to take it away.
On gay marriage:
Well, this was a recent thing that I discovered on an online forum. A couple weeks ago. My opinion has since changed to this, because I find it to be pure genious: Disassociate the government from marriage, leave it entirely up to the churches. After all, modern marriage origionated from the church. Anyway, that means that no longer do any governmental benifits come from marriage. Instead, the government will then offer Civil Unions for whoever wants them, heterosexual or homosexual. Everyone gets the privelages they want (NOTE: they are PRIVELAGES, not rights), and the church gets to keep marriage intact. Everyone wins.
On abortion:
First @Shork: If you knew anything about reproduction, you'd know that the debate is not about control over a woman's ovaries.
Now then, a woman does have a right over her own body. And ONLY her own body. Not the body of the child she WILLINGLY CHOSE TO RAISE INSIDE OF HER. And that even applies to rape and incest and such. She should get early birth control, or pills, or whatever they've got, to take care of things before the embyro develops into a fetus, a figure which can be recongnized as a human. There's nothing wrong with killing a few dozen cells, and it is irresponsible and immoral to let it develop into a person before killing it. I never hear anyone complain at the millions of discarded embryos from in-vetro fertilization labs, so I don't see why anyone should complain about early action medical procedures.
Now, of course, there is one exception: When the continuation of a pregnancy would threaten the mother's life. Obviously, if the mother dies, there is a very high chance, if not 100%, that the child inside her will die as well. Saving one life is better than saving one.
It is the only "body part" that can be removed without feeling pain.
I wouldn't necessairly call that "Painless" :P
On Stem-Cell Research:
I don't get why everyone is against it. Here in america, we ban Stem Cell Research, but allow abortion. What? We allow the murder of innocent children, yet ban useful research on small blobs of cells, which are going to be destroyed anyway (meaning, the leftovers from in-vetro fertilization)? Gah…
On Affirmative Action, Diversity, and the like:
It's all wrong. For crying out loud. When will the day come that we can call eachother "American," rather than "Black," "White," "Asian," "Hispanic," and the like?
Affirmative Action promotes racism. In fact, it is racism. Only, it's against the "majority." It's bullshit, and one of the things I hate the most. I have a smaller chance of getting into college, simply because I am not black. Why?
"Diversity" and "Tolerance," in themselves, are good. It adds to society. But, teaching courses on Diversity and Tolerance in school, and "Celebrating Diversity," those things promote racism. They point out peoples differences. They fail to recognize racial groups as "Americans," or on a worldwide scale, "Humans." They label different groups as if they are different species. Even the word "Race" suggests that. It's bad for the country, and the world. If anything, help should be offered on things like economic status, or education level. That would make much more sense than making a generalization based on race.
On Immigration:
Well, this ones complex. First, above all else, we should, you know, ENFORCE OUR LAWS. Kick illegals out. I have nothing against immigration, as long as they come in the legal way. I also think we should get rid of the rule "If you're born on US soil, you are a US citizen." It should be based of the parents. At least one should be an American for citizenship. It's not right when some 9-months pregnant mexican jumps the border so that she can use her child as an excuse to come into America.
Now then, there's a problem with the Hispanic culture. Most likely, because it has been infused far too heavily with illegals. They don't identify as Americans, this particular group of (mostly) Hispanics. They say such radical things as "Overthrowing the American culture," or something like that. They want to destroy the American culture, rather than assimilate into it. That is a problem. And it needs to be dealt with.
I will post other opinions as I remember them.
PART TWO! (Oh, I'm not done yet!)
My opinion: No one should be entirely left-wing or entirely right-wing. You shouldn't vote for a candidate simply because of the politicaly party he belongs to. <b>It's like voting for a woman president simply because we haven't had one yet. Crazy feminists.</b>
I'm assuming that's a refrence to a certain grammatically-challenged 64Der? XD And you're right on the voting idea. At least in part. It's OK to be completly left-wing or right-wing, if that's what you truly believe. But, NOBODY should vote on party lines. Party Politics suck.
I like the idea of a more limited government. Outside thier fundamental role of protecting our rights, freedoms, and lives (in order of importance), and making sure that everyone has equal opportunity, the government should stay out. It's just not thier job to tell a consenting adult what they can do with other consenting adults, or tell a woman what to with her ovaries, or to moniter our every action and thought…
If you hadn't noticed by now, I am really angry at the government and am extremely glad that the congress changed parties.
Vote Libertarian. And understand, all politicians are corrupt, at least from the main 2 parties. It's not just the big bad GOP.
"A Bigot is a prejudiced person who is <b>intolerant of opinions</b>, lifestyles or identities <b>differing from their own</b>."
bigot: One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or <b>politics and is intolerant of those who differ</b>.
If I'm not mistaken, Politics is the same thing as opinions. Basically, the two definitions are identical, only theyre worded differently. And Wikipedia is more broad, but only by the use of "lifestyles or identities" in place of "group, religion, or race." So, your logic that they are different is wrong, and omicron1 is correct.
Although, I agree, Wikipedia isn't the best place for accurate information.
I think you should have specified, "Bigotry against other races or religions."
Heres a possible solution: Pull all but the essential troops out of Iraq. Leave the rest ready to go in Kuwait. Then find the insurgent groups we can negotiate with (there are some), and dump money and weapons and training on them and have them go after the insurgent groups we can't trust. Right now, there are groups of Iraqi nationalists who just want us out, and groups of Islamic radicals who want a global caliphate, if we can set them against each other, then things will be at least slightly better
Oh, brilliant. Let's just make the problem worse. Let's feed them weapons, so that when they win, they can turn on us and hate us just like in the past when we supplied weapons. But that's OK, you can just blame the GOP.