
Posted by HeroofTime55 on Nov. 11, 2006, 10:59 p.m.

I will be leaving 64Digits. I will check back over the next few days, and then I am leaving. I might come back, I might not. I am just really pissed off at things right now.

Inevitably, I somehow manage to make a fool of myself wherever I go. I will say or do stupid things, and get a large number of prople to hate me. This is the primary reason for my leaving, after an incident regarding one of my games.

I will also be leaving because I do not want to put up with Patrick. I know by leaving I am probably giving the f***r what he wants, but I don't care. There's always that one d**k who just HAS to make a bad situation worse, and Patrick is that d**k. Him and his brother (dan0201) can go f**k themselves.

Also, FB has not been very nice at all lately.

He edited my blogs to say "Hello, I'm a usertag abuser. Please hate me." when I didn't abuse it, and he gave my game a rating of -128/10 (as "punishment" for what I did there. Which was crap, melee was handling it.). We've always had our disagreements, but he's been going too far lately. The very last thing I want is to put up with an admin who hates me. There's really no point to staying on a site run by a person who hates you.

There are a combination of other small factors as well.

I'll still be working on GM stuff, and I'll probably continue to use this place as a host for my games and crap. But, I am leaving the community. I might come back sometime later, but I am NOT putting up with all this bulls**t. My life is far too busy to worry about what some douschebag on some site has to say about me.

That is all. Have a great time, those of you (most of you) who aren't d**kheads. I wish this site well.


Patrick7286 18 years, 3 months ago

Quote: you
I will also be leaving because I do not want to put up with Patrick. I know by leaving I am probably giving the fucker what he wants, but I don't care. There's always that one dick who just HAS to make a bad situation worse, and Patrick is that dick. Him and his brother (dan0201) can go fuck themselves.
If you read your own writing youd realize where im coming from when i say things like that

HeroofTime55 18 years, 3 months ago

You fail to ralize that it was YOU who started this whole rivalry between us. I am kind to people unless they are assholes or n00bs, and then I'm usually nice to the n00bs.

Alert Games 18 years, 3 months ago

Sorry you're pissed off. Are you linkman?

Either way, I love pumpkin pie. :D

smaksak 18 years, 3 months ago

You're cooler than Patrick, therefore you should stay and he should leave. But hey, maybe a break would be good for you, I don't know.

I'll miss you and your purple avatar ;)

Amarin 18 years, 3 months ago

I don't want you to leave… I'll miss you. At least keep in touch with me.