Well, there you have it. Stats on the "console war."
Who do you think will win? The polls are in:
XBox 360: 36.3%
PlayStation 3: 21.5%
Wii: 42.2%
It's a bit closer than I expected, but in general, I was right (Wii>360>PS3)
Come sunday, when Wii's start comming out, we'll know who's going to win. These numbers are constantly updated. 3 times now as I have been typing this single paragraph. For real-time updates,
http://nexgenwars.com/In other news, I got the General MIDI research done, so now I have a giant switch structure which returns the names of all the GM instruments. When making MIDIs, this is the only set that really matters. When I eventually add wave recording, I will allow bank selection.
Today, I hope to go camp outside of Wal-Mart for my Wii. I don't know if I'll actually get one, though. If I do, it's going on eBay.
Well, I'm at school right now. I'm very bored. There's not much going on right now really. And alot of fun sites are blocked at school.
And Brawl is going to kick ass!
DesertFox kicks ass :O
dude, look on ebay for a PS3, there is gonna be some happy people.
*kicks random passerby*
>:OThey all say 0 consoles sold!Yeah, It's done that a few times. Buggy piece of crap.
Anyway, I have decided I will NOT be campng out for a Wii. Given the rioting that has occured with the PS3 release, I am not going to risk going into a situation like that. Granted, the cause of the rioting is likely because dumbass Sony decides to release less than half a million consoles, but still. I don't like what I saw. People getting mugged and murdered over it. Even in my local area, which is a good community.Besides, I've got other things to do. MIDI Master, college applications, and schoolwork. I'll still try to get one on release day, but I'm not waiting in line.Im going to Wal-Mart @ 11:45PM! Bet I'll be first in line, hunh?
Wish meh luck!Good luck! Why doesn't Sony release more consoles? I want a ps3!
ps3>xbox360>wiiIt's a marketing strategy, they're generating hype. They don't care about customers, only their money.
And no, Wii is going to win. No doubt. Nintendo might not win over the "hardcore gamer," but it's going to gain a vicegrip on new markets. Nintendo's looking at the big picture here.Xbox 360=wii>ps3
360 VS PS3 Comparison Chart
(scroll down to bottom)Virtual Boy FTW! w00t!