[Hero] Looking for a dev. team

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Dec. 13, 2006, 12:58 p.m.

I have prety much decided to, for the moment, take a break from programming complex things like MIDI Master and such. I would like to make instead, a simple scrolling space shooter type game. It should prove interesting. Instead of stretching my skills to their outer limits, I will be making something quite basic. I figure that with the skills I have, I'll be able to combine the simplicity with technical skill, to add a great variety of play, and hopefully come up with something great.

The thing is, I don't want to waster hours and hours trying to figure out the code for one little thing; Everything should be quite easy with the skills I've learned over the years. I really have made few good games, most of what I've done are just apps, examples, and demonstrations of really cool things that may never make it into an actual game. This time, I want to make a game for a change. I want to make something people will play for hours, not something where they say "Oh, wow, that's really neat, 10/10" and never run it again. I want to make something with, you know, gameplay and fun. Mabye even a story. And, AI. Good AI. Something absent from the majority of GM games.

So, yeah. Maybe I'll still feel this way later, or maybe I'll just decide I don't want to do it that bad. Or maybe that I should finish MIDI Master first. Regardless, this is what I want to do right now.

If I do decide to do this, I'm going to need help. I don't want this to be some experimental game thingy, I want a finished, polished game, complete with great graphics and sound. And so, I ask your help. I am looking for any good spriters and musicians who would like to help me with this. You must show me though that you are capable of putting out quality work. I really want this thing perfect, or as close as possible. So, if you'd like to help, post here what you can do, and an example of your work.

The game would possibly also have online multiplayer functionality, probably co-op.

I still haven't decided if this is what I want to do, though. It's about a 70% chance. But, if I DO decide to do it, I'm going to make sure it's completed. I might even want another programmer for this, especially when it comes to AI. And maybe another designer as well, I'm only full of so many ideas.

So, reply if you want the spot. There are 4 openings currently, maybe more in the future if it starts to get really big.


marbs 18 years, 2 months ago

Funny, I had just started working on a scrolling shooter that will *hopefully* have multiplayer co-op. I'm not that good at spriting, and can't make music though, I'm just a programmer.

DFortun81 18 years, 2 months ago

Same, except I dislike making scrolling shooters.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 2 months ago

While I was looking forward to MIDI Master, I think you should go ahead with this project. Game Maker needs a good scolling shooter. I'd like to join the team, but my plate is pretty full as it is. However, if you need any graphics here and there, I'd be happy to help. You should ask either aeron or mageknight53 for music; they're good at that stuff.

HeroofTime55 18 years, 2 months ago

Eh, MIDI Master is slow, because I really don't want to do all the interface stuff… Well, I don't want to put the work into it. I mean scrollbars, dropdown menus, etc. I did recently finish a good dropdown menu to choose an instrument, though. And that's about all the progress I made in the past few weeks. It would have been so much easier if Mark Overmars added stuff like text fields, dropdown menus, scrollbars, and the like, standard interface stuff, maybe even as a new type of resource. But no, all he did was make the DLL system easier to use for noobs.

Amarin 18 years, 2 months ago

I've wanted to make a good scrolling shooter ever since I saw some 2D Dreamcast one on Cinematech.