Ban Video Games

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Dec. 21, 2006, 9:55 p.m.

The following is a satirical article I wrote for English. I got a 100 on it, and everyone loved it (and many said it was the best of all the articles), so I decided to post it here. Yeah.


There is a major problem in society today. There is an unbelievable amount of crime and violence in the world. There is only one obvious cause: video games are the reason behind this culture of crime amongst the youth. About 90% of juvenile criminals have played video games. This is shocking and undeniable evidence that there is a strong correlation between video games and violence. To make matters worse, 90% of the youth population plays video games. This is a looming disaster. At these high percentages, it’s only a matter of time before the whole of the young generation bursts into a wild rage of violence.

This problem must be dealt with. It is already obvious to many parents that video games are in fact the root cause of every problem their child has. Yet, they do nothing but complain about the problem. The only intelligent solution is to place a global ban on all forms of electronic entertainment; only then can we prevent this looming disaster.

Unfortunately, there are more causes that run even deeper throughout society. Nearly all criminals have watched a television at some point in their lives. They have all listened to music as well. The only obvious solution is to ban all entertainment, the obvious cause of every crime.

Crime prevention is one thing, but steps must also be taken to ban the tools criminals use. Guns are known to be used by criminals, and therefore they must be banned. It doesn’t matter what other purposes this tool might provide, if it gives criminals the ability to commit a crime, it must go. Knives are another big problem, and any form of a cutting tool should be banned.

Sports must be abolished. These violent games encourage competition. Rivalries exist between different teams. Why can the Eagles and the Giants not celebrate the diversity of their teams, and what they bring to society? Instead, they knock each other over in a trivial fight over a piece of leather. This disgusting tradition exists in all other sports as well, and therefore, they must be banned. Not only sports, but any game or competition in general, because they fail to celebrate the diversity of other player’s goals.

These suggestions for a better society are not too much to ask. Today, we live in a world of violence and hatred. Some small sacrifices must be made to ensure that we are safe. Unfortunately, much of society is not willing to suffer the tiny sacrifice to make a safer, peaceful society. We can only hope the day will come soon when these violent objects are all banned, and we can live in a diverse, tolerant, peaceful, and diverse society.


Damn you, auto removal of white space!!! I'd like to be able to have indentations >:(


castleproductio 18 years, 1 month ago

Every life has a purpose. Anyway, deserved a 100. But if it was real, then life would be outragous. Angry mobs attacking the government or whoever took away entertainment. The day it was taken away would be the day of the devil.

eagly 18 years, 1 month ago

"and we can live in a diverse, tolerant, peaceful, and diverse society."

Super double diverse living!

But seriously, there are actually people who think like that. But the only reason is because they never grew up with games and don't know how to enjoy themselves. They live boring lives campaigning for the banning of Rockstar and like companies and campaigning against the use of pesticides to get rid of wasps etc.

These people are just one group that I would ban when I become supreme ruler of the World. I hope you'll all be voting for me at the next election.

Arcalyth 18 years, 1 month ago

These people are just one group that I would ban when I become supreme ruler of the World. I hope you'll all be voting for me at the next election.

Sorry, the spot is already taken by JakeX.

Maybe next term, in one hundred-thousand years.

Cesar 18 years, 1 month ago

supreme ruler of the world, pssh… that's a baby's job…

I'm supreme ruler of our multiverse

bendodge 18 years, 1 month ago

Great work.

If you want whitespace, use Alt+255 like so:

What? It works on other sites! Whoever made 64's text parser needs a lobotomy.

smaksak 18 years, 1 month ago


Candra Software 18 years ago

If you're doing a blog entry, I don't want to see any bad language.

Firebee 18 years ago

I love that! It belongs in uncyclopedia.

abacus 18 years ago
