Let me show u them!
…uh….<img src="http://64digits.com/users/HeroofTime55/trainercard.png">Yeah, I got bored.So, I still haven't done much at all GM wise. I was thinking of entering the Reflect games contest, but I don't like the idea of it, Reflect games seems… Elitist, in a way. I know they're just trying to keep every wannabe from making a crap game and using their system, but meh, things like that I think tend to get too restrictive.On the other hand, it would get me off my lazy ass and back programming again.Meh.I was thinking, I should make a Pokemon type game (lol pokeymen again). A 64Digits themed game. Where all you guys go and submit characters to be included in the game.Yes, let's do that. Online trading/battling? Yes, that's a win idea right there.But I'll need a LOT of characters, so submit all you've got! I can only use characters with your consent, which I will consider you give if you post your character designs here. And of course you can only submit your origional work… Also, try to get evolved forms and such, it'l save me a ton of work.So yeah, if I get enough (I need a LOT), I'll probably do this. Also if you'd like to help and stuff, that would be cool…So yeah. [/randomness]
If I just had money to buy new pokeman games :/ They look awesome.
I think all 500 pokemon are available in the DS versions. But you need to import them from the GBA versions. Ruby and Saphire are obvious, Fire Red and Leaf Green are original Red and Blue respectively, and Emerald has pokemon from Gold and Silver… I think. I am not a poke-ologist. Anyway, I'll get some concept art up when I get around to it.
So, are we going to draw our own pokemans? If so, you should write down some limitations (i.e. pic size)
I'm in.I'm bored :D Here's first concept pic:
Skurse Concept 1I'm not quiet sure about that tail yet.Pokemon Netbattle
It'd not dead >=( Lots of people still use it.I prefer that over the RPG's, because I don't need to EV train for hours to get decent Pokeymans, it gives you control over all of the Pokemons aspects and stuff. It lets you concentrate on the whole battling side of it more. Also, it's a whole lotta own. The only thing it doesn't have is the fourth generation Pokemon, which is fine by me =And for people that do decide to use it;A handy FAQI'll pwn j00 with mine, and btw, I only fight no legendary battles XD
but I can still pwn them all@biggerfish: Hours of EV training? No. It takes me about 30 minutes.
And vanhelsing, a fire pokemon can kill half your team.