Support 64Digits!

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Sept. 2, 2007, 11:06 p.m.

By joining the 64Digits Cybernations Alliance!

<a href="" target=blank>Click Here</a> to read my previous blog and learn how to sign up and initially set up your nation.

See, I have secured protection from one of the leading alliances in the game, not something anybody can do. We have a charter, a good source of startup aid (me) for your enjoyment of the game, and everything an alliance needs to start up.

We're only missing one thing.


Right now, the turnout has been low, primarily from all the downtime this site has had. And we need more members to function properly.

Oh yeah. You might be asking, what the living hell is this cybernations you're talking about?

Cybernations is an insanely fun nation simulation game. You rule over your own nation in the world. Kinda like OGame, but better.

Alliances are key to this game, and each alliance typically has it's own unique community.

This is the time for 64Digits to bring it's own unique culture to the table.

I will help guide you and fund you so that you can be strong in this game. The only thing I ask of you is your participation.

I will be offering $200,000 startup cash for each new nation who joins, an an additional $10,000 for each new player you recruit.

(Oh, and also, put " M Protectorate" in your nation bio so that you don't get attacked.)

This blog, like the one before it, will serve as a discussion of the game, since our alliance has no official forum yet.


Arcalyth 17 years, 5 months ago

Meh.. if my CN account isn't disabled or something, I probably have millions of dollars in cash on it.

HeroofTime55 17 years, 5 months ago

CN nations are deleted after 20 days of inactivity, so I doubt it still exists, unfortunately. But you could always make another ;)

My nation actually has millions right now, waiting to go out to new members. :P

Requiem 17 years, 5 months ago

Remember the good ol' days when people actually played games where things MOVED?

HeroofTime55 17 years, 5 months ago

lol JakeX.

What makes this game fun is the community aspect, and also the politics, if that's your thing.

Why dontcha join and give it a try? :P

NoodleNog 17 years, 5 months ago

So how come you are not in the 64Digits Alliance? You are not even on the same team as us.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 5 months ago

Gradius has joined the Fray.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 5 months ago

So give me lots of monies.

HeroofTime55 17 years, 5 months ago

NoodleNog: I am now.

I have played this game for over half a year.

There is an alliance called m/, the very same m/ that is protecting us now.

If I ventured out of the other alliance, LoSS, before 64Digits gained enough members, I would have been destroyed by raiders. See, you guys are new and not many will notice you, but a big 30k Nation Strength nation sitting under an Alliannce not regonized because it is too small is a prime target for raiders. m/ is full of such raiders, in fact they're known quite well for it.

Theres no way I would have been able to support this alliance if I had been devistated by raiders! The leader of LoSS was kind enough to grant me a dual membership for protection purposes, one which I will sever once 64Digits get's big enough.

HeroofTime55 17 years, 5 months ago

And as for me being on a different color, I have resided on Pink for most of my CN career. As much as I'd like to switch, I can't just up and leave that color, as my trades exist for their color bonuses. Switching colors can be a long painful process if you didn't just create your nation the day before.

Fabio 17 years, 5 months ago

I will never support this site again.