Cybernations Report: Going great

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Sept. 29, 2007, 3:23 p.m.

The 64Digits alliance is going well. We had a minor breakdown when our forums were down with this site, but now we're back and up and running.

Many non-64Digits members have joined, and our total Nation Strength (NS) has pushed above 100k.

After Great War 4 saw the destruction of our protector m/, we acquired protectorate status under another alliance, The Phoenix Federation (TPF), and this time with a written treaty as well. TPF is especially good to their protectorates, so this was a good choice.

Many alliances have begun to seek diplomatic relations with us, and Great War 4 (also known as The Unjust War) saw two war refugees join our alliance, which will bring in more much needed experience to our family.

Aid has continued to go out, totaling $27 million and counting.

Membership numbers have begun to drop slightly as inactive members are deleted, but NS rose dramatically due to new quality members joining.

Overall, it is positive growth.

A few alliance issues have arisen, and all have met diplomatic solutions, with the exception of traitors, who are currently in the process of being destroyed. This "Diplomacy First" method is one I have proven to work when solving alliance disputes.

If you would like to join our ever growing alliance:

Register at

Important things to do:

-Team Color must be set to white (We'll be a white alliance)

-Government should be Monarchy (don't worry what your people want, always have it set to Monarchy)

-Set your tax rate to the maximum 28%

-Set your war preference to allow war (The alliance serves as a means of protection)

-Set your alliance affiliation to "64Digits"

-Add the phrase "TPF Protectorate" to your nation bio

All of these things may be changed after registration by clicking on "Edit My Nation."

Also, register at our forums:

Hope to see you there! $1 million startup funds for all new nations!


HeroofTime55 17 years, 4 months ago

lol millar.

Tasm 17 years, 4 months ago


HeroofTime55 17 years, 4 months ago

Hay who deleted my funny milliar comment =(

sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago

-Team Color must be set to white (We'll be a white alliance)

*gets arcalyth*

Arcalyth 17 years, 4 months ago

You rang?