Cybernations Report

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Nov. 23, 2007, 5:36 p.m.

We haven't recruited anyone new for awhile, so membership numbers have been on the decline. The result, however, is theat we are starting to establish a dedicated memberbase of loyal members, which is great news for the alliance.

We have been approaching the 200k barrier several times, but various downfalls have kept us at a steady 180k, However, down to 23 members, that means our average NS is on the rise, and overall, we are stronger.

CN is going through a boring time in the global world, but to pass the time, we are involved in several alliance wars, mostly against Nazis. (Real life nazis that try to spread their crap in the game, btw. Mostly from Stormfront, although I guess that's more "racist" than "nazi," but whatever).

Overall, it's going well.

We also have a flag:

<a href=""><img src = ""></a>

(click for larger image)

If you would like to join our alliance and support 64Digits:

Register at

<b>Important things to do:

-Team Color must be set to white (We'll be a white alliance)

-Government should be Monarchy (don't worry what your people want, always have it set to Monarchy)

-Set your tax rate to the maximum 28%

-Set your war preference to allow war (The alliance serves as a means of protection)

-Set your alliance affiliation to "64Digits"

-Add the phrase "TPF Protectorate" to your nation bio</b>

All of these things may be changed after registration by clicking on "Edit My Nation."

Also, register at our forums:

Hope to see you there! We are still providing $1 million startup funds for all new nations!


In non CN news, in case you were wondering, it was me who made the 3rd badge set that didn't make it. Just throwing that out there.


Arcalyth 17 years, 3 months ago

(click for larger image)

You mean BIGGER than the MONSTROSITY on the page already?

I think someone's 56k modem just exploded.

gtvg 17 years, 3 months ago

It's only 133 kbs?

HeroofTime55 17 years, 3 months ago

4500 by 2400 pixels of goodness, Arc.

And Kilin, that isn't confirmed. Sorry for deleting your post, but it was info for alliance eyes only. You'd be surprised the extent to which others go to for intelligence gathering.

HeroofTime55 17 years, 3 months ago

Also, wtf is with my HTML, I have "img src" and "a href" but I can't bold things? um, wtf?

basilamer 17 years, 3 months ago

So, the flag Is Custom # What?

HeroofTime55 17 years, 3 months ago

It's not in the game. Admin only puts so many flags in the game.

I could ask, but odds are it's a no.

Castypher 17 years, 3 months ago

@Hero: Especially where the alliance name is the same as the site name.