
Posted by HeroofTime55 on Jan. 28, 2008, 5:56 a.m.

Well, apparently I missed the fun. But from what I heard, GearGOD is the biggest crybaby pussybitch to ever join this site. Between l33t h4xx0ring the site (lol aren't you special) to the large amount of BAWWWWWWWing on his part, it's a wonder that his fragile little emotions ever allowed him to become staff in the first place.

I hear he's banned now. Good. Keep him banned, we're better without him. Though, knowing 64Digits policy, he'll suck up to an admin and be unbanned within a week. It's happened far too many times.

I used to be a secret mod for this site, working to get rid of alts/multis/whatever. I got little respect, and when my time came to be demoted, I privately expressed my dissatisfaction, in a semi-decent manner, to staff members. GearGOD is an absolute disgrace to this community. Keep him banned, please!

I know you won't, I watched far too many repeat offenders get unbanned time and time again with a little BAWWWWWing during my stay as a secret agent (People like FireFly2k# or sk8, who IMHO should still be banned right now). GearGOD is just going to BAWWWWW his way back on the site, I know it. But I'm still going to ask, please, KEEP HIM BANNED. And for the love of all that is good, contact his ISP and report him for internet vandalism or whatever. What he did is a serious offense.

…In other news, join the Cybernations Alliance! We're doing great, just came out of our first major war with a stunning victory, and the alliance that surrendered to us, TDSM8, has to pay $120 million and 500 levels of Technology to us. Sign up for your slice of the cake! Details in past blogs. Somewhere.


PY 17 years ago

I might join CN, …, maybe.

But it wasn't all GG's fault, most of it was the maturity levels of some people here.

Though you can't really justify what he did.

HeroofTime55 17 years ago

It's GG's fault. He set it all in motion because he is a pussyfag. Distribution of responsibility does not make it someone else's responsibility. It is fully HIS. More so than any faggot who abused his faggotry for their own micro-faggotry.

stampede 17 years ago

Someone care to tell me what did GearGOD do to the site? I was gone one day and suddenly everyone is talking about whole site going down? -_-

PY 17 years ago


Basicly, GG released a GM7 compiler, which forced the staff to ban and unmod him, which pissed him off a bit.

Then, using passwords he'd gotten during one of his old stunts, and had told the mods to change, he edited some news posts, and mod'd a few members, who went on a rampage.

It looked hopeless for 64D, seeing as only Flashback was there to try and contain it, yet he was without the user control panel, as GG had trashed it, and he had no FTP access to fix it.

Of course, arc was no help, as he'd left by that point, and all FB's attempts to counter GG spreading the panic were countered, untill GG got bored/desertfox came with his mystical FTP password, and saved the day. The site's still reeling, RSS is broken, well, basicly things are broken left right and center.

Oh, and HoT55, That's true, yes, but it wouldn't have been if people hadn't gone mad. Though I image he chose people for their ability to go mad. Hmm.

V 17 years ago

That's kinda what we need, more responsible community mods that help with keeping the place under control, and not the people that are coding everything. And it wouldn't hurt to have some senior mods to keep the place held down. We've been here long enough to understand the rules, and probably mature enough at this point to help with moderation on the community. Hell, I visit the site every single day… Aw fuck, I'm rambling again. We really could use more community mods though that have been here for a good amount of time though.

t3mp3st 17 years ago

"Basicly, GG released a GM7 compiler, which forced the staff to ban and unmod him, which pissed him off a bit."

It would piss me off too. If the GMC demoted me for posting anything on my own site somewhere, I'd freak out. What he does on his own webspace should be his own business I think. He responded injustly, but to an injust act as far as I'm concerned.

Leyenda 17 years ago

What he does on his own webspace should be his own business I think.
sorry but that total bs. If he regular member, then yes. But he was a mod of a GAME SITE!!!

It like church pastor operating porn site. Or IT security chief posting hacks on his own site. Dont you get it?

when your mod of a game site, you have responsifility to behave in certain way. THATs WHY it was wrong.

t3mp3st 17 years ago

I am a mod of a game site. However I feel that my responsibilities end there. I should behave at the GMC, but elsewhere I more or less will do as I wish.

Either way, the whole GG situation you have to admit is a bit odd… First he's promoted for messing around with 64D, then he's demoted for posting a link on his blog.