Anon arrested for no reason

Posted by HeroofTime55 on March 15, 2008, 10:33 p.m.

Anonymous Vs. Scientology

I'm just going to copy/paste from my post on another site, because this is serious fucking business.




Breaking news from Atlanta.


March 15 was the next scheduled date for global picketing of Scientology, after the massive successes that occurred globally on February 10.

On Feb. 10, Atlanta CoS deployed riot police, but the protest was peaceful and went without incident.

Fast forward to today.

Riot police arrive again (Even after Anon demonstrated their peaceful intentions on 2/10). Cops randomly arrest guy with megaphone (Calling him the "Leader" of Anonymous… Anyone familiar with Anon knows that it has no leaders). Accuse him of "not having a permit" even though Anonymous members was repeatedly told over the phone by the police department that they did not need one. They take him away.

Later, they pull over every car that honks in support of the protesters. Apparently, honking your horn is now illegal. Anon tries to help by posting a "Don't honk you'll get a ticket" sign.

It's all clear as day in the video.

I for one, am outraged. As an American, I question, what the living fuck ever happened to our First Amendment rights?

Quick Edit: It's the DeKalb police, not Atlanta. DeKalb is located near Atlanta.


Update: Here is the speech that led to the arrests. ("Noise violations," in a relatively empty and unpopulated location, mind you)

Hollywood can't write shit this good.


Kairos 16 years, 11 months ago


I for one, am outraged. As an American, I question, what the living fuck ever happened to our First Amendment rights?

Oh, I think we all know what happened to them by now.

Cesar 16 years, 11 months ago

Notice that two of those videos are fakes while the other two skip over important parts to make them look evil.

They didn't mention the Feb 10 protest in the video either.

Scott_AW 16 years, 11 months ago

No one fights back harder then the fakest religion.

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 11 months ago

Notice that two of those videos are fakes while the other two skip over important parts to make them look evil.
I agree, but I still can't understand why Anonymous listed "for our own enjoyment" as one of the reasons for taking down Scientology. Even if it's true, it doesn't exactly make your cause sound ethical.

SleepinJohnnyFish 16 years, 11 months ago

He was arrested (most likely given a warning, actually) for noise control violations, not protesting or being the leader. Look to enturbalation and for updates on cases like this. Don't just post as if you know what's going on when you don't. This isn't a sign that cops are going out of their way to be dicks. The police departments have been and will be sued for not enforcing to the fullest extent of the law anything that can be used against protesters breaking any law, no matter how minor, so the police really have no choice in the matter.

If you talk to them during the protest, normally they don't mind what you're doing, they just want you to spread the word about the things that you can not do because if you do them, they don't have much of a choice in the matter.

There are some dick cops out there, but for the most part, when in groups, they aren't breaking any constitutional rights.

Did anyone from 64Digits other than me even go to the protests?

Cesar 16 years, 11 months ago


SJF posted

also, SJF, if you haven't noticed, most of us on 64digits live in the middle of nowhere.

Tasm 16 years, 11 months ago

As the videos say, for every one Anon that falls, ten shall rise.

HeroofTime55 16 years, 11 months ago

SJF, they do have a choice, the other option is to grow a pair and tell the criminal organization of Scientology to STFU.

These weren't cops, they were fucking RIOT POLICE. 2/10 should have proved it unnecessary. ALL other fucking judges threw out various injunction attempts.

Posted on ED:


Dunwoody, GA

Epic fail was delivered by local law enforcement. Two Anonymous were taken away after delivering speeches and starting chants from a bullhorn. It is believed they were arrested and a paypal account is planned to collect money to help them with bail/lawyer's fees. The charge would either be breaking some sort of noise law or protesting without a permit (which is horseshit because they were the ones who told us we didn't need a permit).

Police continued to fail by pulling over anyone who dared honk their horn for some bullshit like improper use of automobile equipment. They also were pulled over for driving past us several times or slowing down to read our signs. IT R ILLEGAL TO HEAR WHAT ANONYMOUS HAS TO SAY!!1 :(

I didn't get an accurate count of the people there, I was nowhere near the halfway mark when I hit 42 so I'm assuming we had 100-150.


Yeah, wow. It's on fucking video, them pulling over a car that honked. It's BS.

Now Anon gets to make this a PR disaster for CoS AND this faggot little police dept with no balls.

[deleted user] 16 years, 11 months ago

also, SJF, if you haven't noticed, most of us on 64digits are teenagers that don't know what they're talking about.

HeroofTime55 16 years, 11 months ago

Speak for yourself Onii.