Cybernations Alliance Status Report

Posted by HeroofTime55 on April 27, 2008, 4:23 p.m.

Alliance is going well. ~6 months in, we've established a solid position in the game. We've been through our fair share of wars, including BAPS and GPA. The only area we are lacking s in recruitment, so JOIN NOW! lol.

$3 million is offered to all new nations (which is often a lot more than 3 mil). That is a significant amount of money designed to get your nation up and running as quickly as possible. Guides are available on our forums to maximize your efficiency.


21 Members

319,715 total NS

15,225 Average NS (very high)

40 Nukes

Current government:

Lead Programmer: HeroofTime55

Assistant Programmer: Magicman657

Minister of Foreign Affairs: DesertFox

Minister of Defense: Niff

We're still looking to fill other positions in the government, so if you think you got what it takes, be sure to join :P

CN political landscape: WAR! The alliance GATO is being smashed again by the most powerful bloc in the game. They just don't learn. Our alliance most likely will not be involved, but we are ready in the off chance something spills over.


IRC channel:


/join #cn64

If you would like to join our alliance and support 64Digits:

Register at

Important things to do:

-Team Color must be set to white (We'll be a white alliance)

-Government should be Monarchy (don't worry what your people want, always have it set to Monarchy)

-Set your tax rate to the maximum 28%

-Set your war preference to allow war (The alliance serves as a means of protection)

-Set your alliance affiliation to "64Digits"

-Add the phrase "TPF Protectorate" to your nation bio

All of these things may be changed after registration by clicking on "Edit My Nation."

Also, register at our forums and post an application (this is necessary):

Hope to see you there! Remember, $3 million to new members, that's the maximum amount the game will allow to be sent via aid. And even more will come so long as you are an active member, I'm not going to leave you in the dark, I'll bring your nation to a high level very fast :)


Castypher 16 years, 10 months ago

Heck, I'll even start sending $3 million to people that sign up. That's a pretty good deal for a new nation, so come take it!

blueBX 16 years, 10 months ago

There was like 4 other nations that offered my 3 million to join in the first few minutes I started to create my nation.

Castypher 16 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, before I knew the 64Digits alliance existed, I was invited to a bunch of alliances. Much to one alliance's dismay, I left soon after. O_o

HeroofTime55 16 years, 10 months ago

Ignore the recruiters. They're relentless.

Cesar 16 years, 10 months ago

I didn't exactly like cybernations. But that's because OGame was much more fun and challenging at the time. Why waste money on taxes when you can ATTACK A PLANET WITH 50000 BATTLE CRUISERS?! BWAHAHAHAHA