Arg so many things to do!

Posted by HeroofTime55 on June 14, 2006, 5:38 p.m.

Wow i got alot of things that I gotta do. But that dosent mean that theyre IMPORTANT things…. The list includes:

Programming for my MMORPG (Revolution)

Finish my entry for a Pong battle

Create a new avatar for an Avatar battle


Play Roller Coaster Tycoon

Get some more records in SSBM

Something else

Keep up with like 5 or 6 websites

Play ROPW because I'm a huge noob

well yeah, whatever.

Heh Super Smash Bros. Melee is such a great game…

Well anyway, currently i'm waiting for my kickass 3D WIP to be uploaded/posted/whatever the mods do to accept it. Im assuming threres a long list of stuff that is ahead of mine though…..

Im happy that school is out….

And as a final random thought, in i dont know how many weeks, im going to a really smart people math program at rutgers for 4 weeks. Theres only 30 or so 1337 math d00dz accepted into this program so its awesome that i'm accepted :D ….except that it will cut into my SSBM time…. but i figure its probably just a bit more important, so SSBM will have to wait….


Alpha Man 18 years, 8 months ago