Gravity and my Rubber Band Ball

Posted by HeroofTime55 on June 18, 2006, 4:01 p.m.

First, in case youre wondering i have a rubber band ball about 3 inches in diameter :D

Now then onto gravity: I think gravity is the 5th dimension, or at least thats where it exists. Einsteins theorey of relativity describes how gravity is the bending of space-time (time is the fourth dimension). Einsteins theory has alot of strange stuff. Basically, space time is like a rubber sheet. Mass bends it when you put it on the sheet, and motion can pull some of the sheet with it (thus time 'travel' when nearing light speed) Anyway, space-time is a 3D (rather, 4D) piece of rubber, as opposed to a 2D rubber sheet. And gravity is the bending of this 4d chunck of rubber. But i think that its actually acting in a fifth dimension.

Back to einstein again, with his famous E=mc^2. It says that energy is matter. I think all matter and energy can be centered on a single super small uber particle that has yet to be discovered. When its dense, you have matter, when its not connected to more of itself, its energy. Therefore, energy has gravity. Buy a very very unnoticeable ammount. According to E=mc^2, where c represents the speed of light, a tiny bit of matter can turn into an incredible ammount of energy. There once was this device, with a small ammount of urainium in it that you could easily hold in your hand. Less than 1% of that mass turned into energy. That device was called the atomic bomb.

So yeah, thats my theory, taken alot from einstein, but modified a bit, and my own matter-energy particle theory. Its also possible that gravity is transfered through the theoretical "graviton" particles, but i find this unlikely. It would depend on surface area rather than mass, and paper dosent accelerate faster when its paralell to the ground (not counting air resistance). Unless of course, every atom is connected to every other atom, and knows exactly where each atom is at any moment. (Which means: the locations are transmitted instantaneously, faster than light even in short distances. So what is the "speed of gravity" in this case, huh? an interesting thought….)

OK, thats my theory for today.

EDIT: It looks like my kickass 3D game is number 11 in the waiting list. Not much longer :D


chiggerfruit 18 years, 8 months ago

yah what i'm saying is, they work on surface level cases, such as what pulls us back down from a jump, but on a grand scale, such as planets and the sun, bending the time and space field is much more valid.

HeroofTime55 18 years, 8 months ago

…..yup. which means gravitons ae not very valid on a larger scale, and the space-time theory is more valid :P Plus its einstein, and that counts for alot :P

chiggerfruit 18 years, 8 months ago

haha yah, i'm just saying that gravitrons do exist, but otherwise i've always went with what you've said

Bex 18 years, 5 months ago








