No theory for today, just alot of awesome

Posted by HeroofTime55 on June 19, 2006, 2:24 p.m.

Well, my 3D example was uploaded after much waiting. Go download it and try it out! Heres some additional info:

Yes, there are many bugs. The elevator bug is one that many point out, this is from the aftermath of several attempts to get the ramps working right.

Another one that can be annoying is the way the car tilts upward when stationary. I still have to work this one out.

Anyhow, back to more randomness for today: I have almost completed my pong game. Here is the info about it: It is called Rubber Band Pong. Yes, strange indeed. Basically, you have to hit a rubber band ball back and forth and try to hit your opponents back wall while the ball is your color. There are several powerups (and obstacles) you can collect by toughing your rubber band on them. There is a damage system, if you lose all your health, your rubber band snaps for a few moments, leaving you open to scoring. (Basically, the rubber band goes between 2 anchor points, halfway it touches where the mouse is). Ill upload a screenie sometime. The rubber band physics are prety cool.

So anyway, that deadline for a gmclans contest is comming up soon. i have to check if the avatars were judged yet.

I havent got a chance to play SSBM lately, 'cept for a bit when my friend was over, and i did the black hole glitch and we tried to freeze the game.

EDIT: Anyone know the criteria for a work to be a staff pick (other than the staff liking it of course)? Can a WIP be a staff pick? Can you recomend your own game?

EDIT AGAIN: i will make and post an example of how to create rubber band physics!


Rez 18 years, 7 months ago

*Tumble weed*

Magicman657 18 years, 7 months ago

More theories please. You've pretty much stated most of my beliefs, and I wanna hear more stuff that others agree with. Can't wait to see your pong entry.