First things first, my XTV channel will include a new feature, called Smash TV, which will include a constantly updated highscore list. If you have a highscore in anything that is noteworthy, please tell me here! (If its insanely good, ill need proof, anything from a screenshot or video to a strategy). And highscores in almost anything too: 1 player mode scores, Home run contest, target test, training mode combos, event matches, multi man melee, and even credits shot at the end of the game. If you have a score or time that you think is really really good, post it here!
With that, i go on to something else: My XTV channel. Well, its due tomorrow, and i'm low on content. If you would like to help me, post a 1 room gm6 file about one of the following: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Preview, Men of Fire 3D review, or a story about the console wars, probably centered on one system, as part of a series.Outside of this: I have done absolutely nothing useful today. Almost nothing at all even. Put together a few 'shows' for XTV, but they suck. But not much, not even waste time playing video games.
I beat the Gigabowser level in the 51 event match thing in an Uber-short time - but I no longer have the game.
I play at other people's houses until they get sick of me beating themPeach rocks - evil vegetabley destruction, psychotic turnips/radishes of doom! Some happy, some sad, some zombified!Dr Mario All The Way Baby!
Luigi all the way! Wavedasher elite.
Well, I've got around 250 hours of play time. XDNone of my records are super-good because I fouc of fighting rather than things like target test. Maybe I'll post my Luigi target test time…COME ON PEOPLE even if they suck post your best scores! i need scores other than my own!!
Heh, I was just too lazy to go get my Gamecube.
I like to exploit glitches…
Hmm.. With Kirby I once hit the Home run bag 2000 feet. I don't know how. I just did.
Also.. Ice climbers… about 1500…Don't remember the rest. I wiped my data off the memory card.'nyone else finding Ice Climbers ridiculously powerful? With both Popo and Nana alive, they deal twice the regular damage of any hit in the game. By far the most powerful character in da game.
Actually, Gannondorf is. His smash up attack can deal 50+ damage
Oh, and i need EXACT scores, please!