ColumnsX crap + more crap

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Sept. 25, 2006, 8:40 p.m.

I got 5th place in ColumnsX. And i wasnt even trying that hard. I'm going to try to get at least 3rd, for the badge, next.

Well, I did the 7x combo trick with the latest version (a bit of a complicated process in duo mode), but the 160 easy winning streak dosent work, the AI thinks too fast. Im not sure how to go about quickly getting that badge. Also, it dosent look like the winning streak badges save (but the others do…). That, and my ColumnsX banner is bugged for some reason, so I can't show it off now.

Anyway, I'm STILL waiting on JakeX for the GML file for my Tetris online scoreboard. I'm starting to wonder if he forgot again :/ Anyway, It's going to be pretty cool to have an online score table. I told him to show the top 10, but now I'm thinking mabye it should have been more slots….

Also for Tetris, in music tech class I'm working on a Tetris "remix" (which is going to be a graded project I probably won't finish).

In SSBM, I'm starting to figure out SHFFLing (Short Hop, Fast Fall, L-cancel). Its an advanced strat. Basically, if you release the jump button before the initial jump animation ends, you do a shorter hop. Then you ariel attack in the air, tap down to fast-fall, and L-cancel when you hit the ground. Complicated.

Well, thats my random crap for today.


Kenon 18 years, 5 months ago

And no one likes mine,


Arcalyth 18 years, 4 months ago

lmao, that one was funny.